Hello, Today we heard what sounded like a flag pole clinking while driving in a parking lot. Turns out the sound was coming from my Prius (2010 III). We then heard several sounds, going from the clinking to what sounded like something falling off and something possibly dragging for a few inches. When we stopped to check, we found a large amount of pebbles resting in the belly (body? undercover? the black plastic parts on the bottom?). Tapping the plastic would cause pebbles to fall out. My questions: 1) Is that what was making the sound, or is there something else we missed? 2) Is this common? Is there something I may have done to suddenly increase the amount of pebbles/gravel or to have caused whatever is making the clinking sound? Additional notes: 1) Nothing was dragging on the ground when we got out of the car, though I'm not sure how far down the car goes with 3 adults in it. 2) I can only really hear it when going below 20 MPH.
Yes, the engine undercovers do collect a bit of road debris, which is why I always remove them and give them a good rinse with a hose when I change the oil. Nothing to worry about...
The "flag pole clinking" sounds like a CV (constant velocity) joint going bad. The clinking may get louder when turning in one direction or the other & will often disappear when going straight. There are 2 CV joints on each axle & each joint is covered with a rubber boot. These boots are stuffed with grease. When a boot gets a hole/tear this grease is flung out & the remaining joint wears. Look for oil/grease stains on these rubber boots. Over time dirt/dust will cover the stains but it will still look different that the others. Worn CV joints need to be repaired but can be driven on for quite a bit of time without failure. Sharp turns under power are to be avoided! Some pebbles/rocks may get kicked up onto these engine covers during normal operation. A _lot_ could get thrown up if someone was doing some spirited driving on a gravel/sandy road. Also a larger rock or small tree limb could cause a tear in a CV joint boot.
Drove it to the bank and back and this time heard what sounded like a spring overwinding. Made a sproing sound.
Is this what I'm looking for? Not sure if the other message sent, but I heard what sounded like a spring over winding, like sproing
While looking for things, I don't know if it's only been doing it when making turns, I only know I hear it when accelerating from a stop. I'll listen again on the way home.
Didn't hear anything while leaving the parking lot, which had at least 4 turns. Didn't really hear anything on turns. Was missed evident while braking or accelerating at stop signs and lights. Did hear the sproing again, too.
And then I heard nothing from the gas station to a half mile home. Seems to be on and off, so I'm not really sure what could be causing it. All I can say for sure is that I don't hear anything above 20 mph.
Dealership wouldn't be able to look at it till next week, and at $94/hr, so I'd rather avoid that if possible. @_@ What springs and coils are there that exist that could potentially cause problems?
All right, so I took the car out to test it on my own. I heard absolutely nothing regarding all this. So now I'm putting myself at two options: 1) it was just rocks bouncing around (which would create the clinking, and if big enough to hit the springs, a sproing sound) and now they're all done (not that I would know where they really came from, I don't think I did anything crazy today in gravel); or 2) there's something wrong with the shocks/whatever and it can't support three overweight/obese people, which would kind of make sense since it was coming from the right side where two out of three were sitting, and would make sense as to why I didn't hear it when only I was driving. I'll be test driving it again in about 2 or 3 hours so I'll post back again after I pick up my roommate. Thanks to anyone who is dealing with my oblivious-ness.