A few days ago I opened a sode in the car. It sprayed a little - really, little - there was plenty left to drink. shortly thereafter, I saw the display flickered, and eventually it was gray. Radio, CD, voice commands work, but for the CD you have to remember where the touch screen commands are - since the screen is gray and you cannot see the buttons/commands. Shouldn't the nav system be sealed against such occurrences? Does anyone have any ideas on how to repair the screen?
As a general rule, liquids and electronics don't mix. This will be an expensive lesson to cover your soda with a napkin or shield it with your hand while popping that top in the future. You can try sourcing a replacement LCD display screen. Try eBay, there's a lot of vendors from China that sell replacement parts for almost anything. SCH-I535 Do you have the JBL unit? http://pages.ebay.com/motors/link/?nav=item.view&id=390867828282&alt=web SCH-I535
The actual screen itself probably is not the problem. Whatever hit the screen likely ran down and dripped off the bottom and onto some of the electronics FEEDING the display. Soda pop is VERY conductive......and very corrosive too over time.
Hopefully you know somebody who knows how to disassemble and clean the soda residue left behind. Since it was sugar, the solvent of choice is water, so make sure it's completely unplugged. I would use a "Q" tip and moisten and dab the dirty area. Repeat process with a clean swab until all the soda residue is gone. To help get rid of the water, wash down the cleaned area with 80% Isopropyl Alcohol. Allow the Alcohol to evaporate completely. Reassemble the display unit plug it in. Cross fingers, and turn it on. If you were successful, your display will work. As xliderider pointed out you can go the eBay route. Just make sure you get the proper replacement unit! After looking at the replacement unit, I notice it has a "Ribbon" cable connecting it to the head unit. Hopefully this is where the Soda dripped on and gummed up the connector. If it ran into the zDisplay module, you will have to pop off the plastic cover. Hopefully it's not a sonic welded piece. If so it won't come apart easy! Good Luck, when it's fixed, tell us what you did!
Yes, soft drinks contain salt and acids, which is conductive, and not good for touch-screens. I am disappointed that the Prius touch-screen isn't shielded from liquids. I think there are some procedures on You Tube for restoring electronics which have been exposed to liquids. I think there are a number of protective screens available for tablets which may be beneficial for preventing future incidents. The plastic moulding around the unit snaps off quite easily, so applying a membrane shouldn't be too difficult.
I've been meaning to ask about that. So far I've thoroughly cleaned everything I can access with water and Q-tip, floowed by isopropanol wipe. But the screen is still gray. I can see the ribbon cable connector when I open the unit to change CDs. But i am afraid to go further. I saw a You tube explanation for taking the JBL E7022 unit out, but the disclaimer says that the author is not responsible if you get killed or maimed do it!
You won't be killed or injured, but it's worthwhile to try rinsing the affected components with distilled water or isopropyl alcohol. The worst that could happen is you'd need to replace the unit, which is your only other option anyway.