I filled up the tank three days ago on my 2006 and after driving 190 miles the gas gage is still reading completely full. Anyone experience this or have an idea of what is going on? Regards, Steve
I filled mine up on Wednesday, have a little over 200 miles on it, it is still on full too. It usually ticks down around 100 - 150, but I don't pay any attention to the gauge until it starts to flash.
most of us call it the "guess gauge" because it's a far cry from linear. it'll drop after a while, the first bar always takes a while, then the rest drop faster to compensate. no worries, it's normal
Thanks for the calming words, it just seems to me like the last 6 tanks have shown two or three bars missing by the time I got to 200 miles. I will wait a few more days before calling the dealer. Regards, Steve
yeah...no worries, i drove about 200 miles and was surprised that it was still at full...i wasn't worried, i was showing off to my friends haha...a day later it dropped 2 bars. it's normal.
Usually that happens when you top it off. I suggest you stop pumping after it clicks off. It it ok to round to the next dollar if it is not too far off(eg $12.81). If it doesn't go down after 250 miles, then I'd say there is an issue.
don't tell the oil companies that...they'll recall your Prius. Huh, a car that gets better than 50 MPG...what are they thinking... Enjoy the ride!
Cool! You guys just answered my question too and calmed my worries! I mentioned this same issue in another forum this AM due to a post by someone answering the OP. As I said there, my gut is telling me that I don't have a full tank and I shoudl be down 2 gallons and fast approaching 3. Thanks again! PC members save the day !
Yeah, consider yourself lucky. It has been cold here in Ohio and my first pip went out at 30 miles....THIRTY freeking miles. I am sitting at only 4 pips with 180 miles...DAMN!!!! I am getting 50 mpg though.
Hey, mine once went to 298 miles before losing a bar - it was a couple of fill-ups after running out of gas and I think it was still upset with us. And we were on a long road trip. Once we got back home and back to our regular routine, our 'baby' was back to normal again. Normal was losing a bar at about 98 miles. Now, since the update, it is more like 50-60.
My first tick usually drops off around 72 mi. If I short tanked (cold bladder or tricky gas pump) it drops off lower. This tank it ticked off somewhere around 65 mi. Like Sluggo, I don't really pay much attention to it until it gets pretty low (ie blinky).
Ahhh, pip blinked off at 201 miles to my great relief. I did not top off the last fillup though. The pump was excruciatingly slow because the nozzle was bent at the end. I stopped filling when I heard the gas in the neck but it still "burped" at me a few times when I removed the nozzle. It was certainly not on purpose since I normally run at the first stop on the handle and when it clicks off I pull it out, even if it is an odd number since I use pay at the pump. It will be real interesting to see how many miles I get from this tank! Thanks everyone! Regards, Steve