I've been reading the owners manual and it says the Accessory Outlets provide up to 10 amps. What I can't seem to find is if that refers to 10 amps each or 10 amps total between the two. Anybody know for sure? I have a small 12 volt cooler that draws about 6 amps. Would hate to plug in my cell phone and blow the only fuse. It's gonna' take me a month to read that entire manual... Thanks, Bob
Your cell phone charger will use less than 1/2 amp. A big tablet charger will use about 2 amps max. I'd assume the power jacks are all on one 10 amp fuse, but a quick glance at the fuse box diagram should answer that. In short I wouldn't worry about it, but be aware that you want the system in ready mode while the cooler is running.
Haven't found the fuse box, yet or an image of it in the manuals. I'll get there, just going to take a while. I was hoping they would be separate but it is what it is. Thanks, Bob PS The cell phone thing was supposed to be a joke.
You can use something like this to get power for your cooler directly from the auxiliary battery: Then you will definitely be able to run the cooler at a 6 amp draw with no problem. As stated earlier, keep the car in Ready mode to prevent draining the 12v battery. SCH-I535
I've had the cooler for several years running it on my old Gen II. I only use it when I'm traveling (actually moving) It is rare to use it when standing. If we go into a restaurant to eat I just let it go off with the ignition. It's fine for an hour of so. When we go into a motel for the night I have an AC adapter to run it. I'm careful not to run it and the air compressor at the same time. All that said, I like the "jumper cables" with the accessory outlet on the end. Doubt I'll need it but good to keep in mind.
In the DIY & maintenance section of the manual, on my UK version, there are 2 power outlet fuses, no.1 and no.3 in the interior fuse box and they are rated 15A each.
I'm not sure about the Prius V, but my 2005 gen II has 2 outlets, each of which run off a different fuse/circuit. I think they are both 7.5 amp fuses. However, there are other devices which run on those circuits. The one on the center kick panel for example also powers the MFD & radio. Thus, you'd have to determine the amount of current being drawn on the circuit sans the outlets and subtract that from the total capacity in order to determine how much current you can draw.
OK, I "think" I have a final answer to this question. I finally found the fuse layout and descriptions in my Prius v two owner's manual. Page 415 Fuse Ampere Circuit 1 CIG 15 Power Outlets 2 PWR OUTLET 15 Power Outlets I assume #1 is the front outlet and #2 is the rear. I did not verify by looking at the fuse panel. It also says this box is the "Left Side Instrument Panel". I assume the inside fuse box. There! Bob
Yes, they are independent. I blew the fuse of the rear outlet on my v TWO powering an air pump... But the front outlet kept working fine.