Is there a Toyota listing of all of the current software for the PIP models? I assume that there is: Core Operating System software that controls the car/ICE/EV functions Entune Software that connects with your IPhone (or mobile) in its various incarnations Navigation Software that contains the latest street maps etc. Are there any others that I am missing? I presume that there is one of these for; PIP Base Model PIP Advanced PIP Advanced with tech package Is there someplace on the Toyota Website where one can find this info?
Here is a link to Toyota's service site (TIS) that you can buy a two day pass for $15 and view/copy all the service manuals that the dealer service people use. They also use TechStream Software (check ebay) to interface between the car, mechanic, and TIS. I only track what version of Entune. With the Adv. tech. Pkg. I don't get to choose when to upgrade. When I log on to Entune with my iPad it checks for update and if it's ready the menu will not continue until I upgrade. I'll have to try turning car off to postpone and research the upgrade. I am always wary of upgrades breaking more than they fixed. Each Electronic Control Unit (ECU) or computer in the Prius has its own code that is carefully maintained by Toyota. I don't think Toyota gives access to ECU code to guest members. Nor would I chose to play with ECU code that could brick my Prius in a CPU clock cycle.
The following is from my 2012 and someone who posted from their 2013 2012 Plug-in Advanced 12-2013 EnTune 1.3.232356 Navigation V6673170 Bluetooth 21.202 Gracenote 03451 [2011-01-1] Map 21-11-24 [2011-06-1] 2013 Plug-in Advanced 12-2013 Entune ? Navigation V6673500 Bluetooth 21.210 Gracenote 05574 (2013-05-1) Map 21-13-27 (2013-06-1)
Here is what it shows on my 2014 PIP Advance with Tech Pkg Model - 11TSANNA-AZ02 NAV V6673600 BT 21.210 Grace Note - 05574 (2013-05-01) (what the heck is gracenote) I didn't see the MAP date...must be looking in the wrong place...will go back and look again!
Just want to point out that the above software versions are for the various components in the nav/audio system. They have nothing to do with any of the engine control units. And there are many of them, all talking to each other.