Bought this TOY 640 wrench from Amazon for $16 bucks. Supposed to be an authentic one. When I tried to put it onto the oil filter housing for the first time, felt like it cannot go all the way in to get a good bite, so I tapped it with the torque wrench, I can see it's moving in with every tap. Later after I'm done with the oil changed and put everything back, I realized that's a BIG mistake - how the hell am I supposed to get it off? Searched this forum and saw some suggestion about turning it backwards with some "impact" force. Tried it, no use. Gave enough WD-40 and waited until the oil filter cooled down completely, still stuck. For now, I just leave it there, anyway, that's the only purpose of that wrench cap. But I'm just wondering if anybody has similar experience, and most importantly, how did you get it off? Thanks
Yeah, just leave it on if you don't need it for anything else. The plastic change door with hold it should it fall off.
Be aware of the metal "retention tabs." That's why I use the OFFICIAL TOYOTA wrench cap; Toyota OIL FILTER WRENCH Part Number 09228-06500-02 Expensive, but worth it!
I was thinking of using the 3/8 inch socket, put a rathet in there and rock it back and forth in several different directions. Should do it, might take a while and go slowly. SCH-I535
I'm just afraid that I'll make some damage to the oil filter housing... it's plastic... When it's time for the next oil change, I'll get the whole thing off. Once it's removed from beneath the car, I'll see what I can do about it.
Really wish I could get a big lift to raise the whole thing up, instead of crawling back n forth on the ground... Will try it next time. Actually next time probably will be the next oil change, and I'll get the whole thing (oil filter housing + cap wrench) off. Then will try every tricks I can think of. Is it really easy to be put on and off to you guys?
Wait for the next oil change to remove it. I have used the Assenmacher wrench which is easily removed.
Your mistake was "tapping it." I think I own the same part, and I think it could fit a bit better, but you only need it on well enough to "grip" the housing. I got it off by gently tapping it on the sides with the crescent wrench I used to loosen/tighten. It rocked a couple times and came right off. It only has to be snug enough to fully seat and not leak. That's not a lot of torque needed.
^ It wouldn't leak if it was bottomed and then loosened a turn. The rubber ring makes the seal, and it's along the length of the barrel. The torque value (which I follow) is just to lock it in position, insurance.