Ok, I bought my Prius used, as many know on this forum, I am simply wondering if it is possible to add the Navagation system on? I love the Prius, but would really like the Nav System that works with the built in display, any suggestions?
I think it would be more cost effective to get a third party NAV system. You can get portable ones or built-in ones.
I was wondering that too.. but then I saw the price for the option something like $2500 and from what I have read, not that great a system.. I have a Tom Tom that is wonderful and sits on velcro just to the left of my display.. you can get one for around $500, I got one on sale for around $300.
Adding the factory nav system would be a monsterous task. There are other ways, however. The Can-View device is ment to be an analysis device for the car. It does have the added benifit of being able to display stuff on the screen and harvest button presses from the touch screen. I belive Norm designed it to work with one aftermarket nav in particular. It won't be the factory nav, but it will be on the screen and using the touch input. Also, you can get aux input devices to allow the nav to make noise through the car's speakers. Can-View: Hybrid Interfaces
the MFD costs around $4000, plus the connectors are different, need more buttons, i forget the cost of the NAV ECU but it's also ridiculous. best to pick up an aftermarket one or get a new prius :blink:
I don't care if it's the factory one or not, I just would like to be able to use it through th built in display, I just don't want to start cluttering this car up with a million and one displays, can you give me more information about if installing the can view would void the warranty? (I bought the 10 year/75,000 mil. extended warranty for about $60 from the dealer) And which version would I need to accomplish this?
The CAN View can be removed. Under federal law it would be up to Toyota to prove that the CAN View caused a problem that was otherwise covered by their warranty. The CAN View might be used to display an aftermarket Nav it has a second video input. I am using it for my backup camera now. Integrating the touch screen would be tougher. There is a project to mount a MAC mini I would imagine that a clever person could run a third party Nav software on the Mac and display it on the MFD. Many clever people around here. Try here. http://www.kusnetz.net/prius/ You would then need a GPS unit mount the antenna on the dash run the wires to the Mac and there you are.
Cool, I have a Mac Mini and I want to get a new Intel one for home, so now I have a good excuse, thank you.
This was my plan when I got my Prius. The problem is Route 66 is the best GPS software for the Mac and it is poor at best. I bought a TomTom Go and am very happy with it.
Well, I have the software to run Windows on my Mac, so I could use the Windows software on it, or after looking at that site, it looks like a PC would work, I could simply use my old PC by placing it in the luggage tray in the back, but it's so bulky, but it would fit I think, a few options at least. Which would be chaper, hooking up my mac, my pc or simply buying a third party Nav System?