Just curious if there are any other 2006 Prius' in Alaska. I know of one in Anchorage...mine; wondering if there are others.
There's got to be at least one other here.....Nye Toyota has to have sold more than one. Although, their salesmen couldn't sell me one. I've got an '05, FWIW.
Actually, B...W...P, I didn't get my Prius from sNye Toyotter...got it completely by chance through a Tacoma dealer--whose name right now totally escapes me! L0L... I'm just shy of 3K miles--and loving it. And getting just under 40mpg doing mostly city driving with far too many short hops. Such is life--ain't it grand? Hmmm, for some strange reason I've got the feeling this is going to be a lonely post...almost 100 hits and no other '06's in response! Dan
Hi Dave, Yes I did take that picture...Mr. Moose was relaxing under a tree across the street from where I used to live. I stood at my mailbox about 50' away. That was in the Bayshore neighborhood; had lots of moose come strolling through. Not the biggest moose I've seen in Anchorage, but he was sure a beauty (for a moose that is). Dan
ya, its kinda funny that the moose, deer and cow are all related. but the moose is butt ugly, even the baby ones. you look at how cute baby cows and deers are... what happened to the moose?? havent been to Alaska in over 15 years. was there as a kid at Ft. Greeley for a few years. very cool place to visit especially when you are a kid
I spent several months there in -85 and boy do I want to go back, loved seeing the wildlife, the beauty. And its encouraging to hear people drive priuses in anchorage cause I'm in NH and commuting in snow is a big concern.
Well my post may be lonely for Alaskans, but not for ex-Alaskans! Except for Boxster...well, let's just say we'll have to build our contingency! I received my car at the end of December...my very own Christmas present! And it keeps on giving! Pleasure--especially at the pump, but even in driving. And for the last 2 1/2 months I've been driving in all kinds of what passes for weather here in Anchorage: snow, ice, rain, sun, and the OEM tires have done me pretty well. I did have a scare one day, though; I was heading home and coming down a lazy, sweeping street that drifts on down to a lower road that gives me access to my street. It was warm--in the 40's--and there was a layer of water on the ice. As I round one of the last bends, I'm NOT TURNING! Argh! Fortunately I had just enough angle to glance off a snow bank and into some shade where the conditions were a bit better. Now I drive that street with extra caution... Other than that, though, I'm amazed at how well my Prius does stop in icy conditions: extremely well! And at times it's saved me a call to my insurance agent.
I'm another ex-Alaskan Prius owner. We lived in Kodiak for about 7 years back in the 80's. It is a special place and we have many fond memories of it. Haven't been back in about 12 years.
the picture does not do justice to how big these animals are. imagine a moose (the average moose is 5 TIMES larger than a deer) coming at you. they are so large that they can easily kill you without even trying. however, i think that deer (by you hitting them in a car) causes way more deaths each year
hey I will be driving to Alaska this May form Calif....any suggestions? darwin oakland tideland pearl 05
take a camera... the Northern Rockies in the Northwest Territories has breath taking scenery. my family drove the Alcan Hiway back when it was a gravel road. it would have been sooo cool to have a car back then with a 600 mile range!@!
Seems to me to be about equally divided...but I'm only going by memory of news events that I've heard--and I'm not much of a faithful news watcher. I think the main issue is that whether moose or bear or fox, they are all wild animals and can be dangerous. (Arctic fox have one of the highest percentage of rabies in mammals...)
Enjoy the trip and be prepared for an amazing journey. As Dave said, don't forget your camera and lots of film or disk space... Gas can be fairly expensive in Canada...and in Anchorage, I'm paying about $2.20/gallon at Costco. On the highway system in Alaska, expect around $3 to $3.50 per gallon (although that's just a guess). Depending on what your goals are, I could give all kinds of suggestions. As far as driving goes, any highway will do just be prepared for construction zones and delays. Alaska has only two real seasons: snow plowing and road construction. Enjoy!
If you're driving, I'd recommend taking the ferry from Bellingham, WA to Haines, AK. The drive through western Canada was long and boring, though there was some nice scenery (check out the PriusChat Calendar for my pics). When crossing into Canada, make sure you bring your birth certificate or passport so they can verify you're a US citizen.