New or used. I've had zero success so far. ----- ----- In the meantime I'm planning to rent an S85 for $250 to see how it handles on the interstate, if the superchargers are truly as fast/convenient as claimed, et cetera. (I drove past a charger in San Juan Capistrano and it didn't seem very convenient... it took 20 minutes to reach it & return to the interstate.) [edit] Cool Jay Leno & Elon Musk interview:
Stop over to the Tesla Owners Forums. You'll get a good feel whether or not it's possible. How far do you typically drive daily? Over 200 miles? If so then you may not have enough range.
Since there is a "60" in one of the pix I will presume the car has the 60kWh battery. For $73070 you can buy a NEW Model S with supercharger capability and get the package shelf. For $80 I can wait 3 months for Tesla to built one with 4636 fewer miles on it. Why is the only record in the Carfax report the title transfer to the dealer? Where is the original owner? The car sat on the lot for two months. Has it been plugged in?
I've test driven the Tesla S and spoke quite a bit with the workers there. If you live in California, the Tesla S 60kwh comes to about $69k after tax and $10k in tax benefits. I could go without the supercharger, but I wanted the tech package. I was quoted $72k after everything (tax + tax credits). Keep in mind, there is a maintenance fee of $600/year and your insurance rate will slightly go up.
Right now there is still a 3 month wait to get the car so there is a good demand for used. It's a long wait, but you should have a good shot in early 2015 when Model X is released. I know some of the folks on the are looking to dump their Model S to get the Model X
Tesla Model s 85KW | eBay Tesla s Base Sedan 4 Door | eBay There were a few on eBay that were close to that price point, but not quite. I'm waiting for a good, used 85kWh Model S as well, but from what I have been seeing on, eBay, and AutoTrader, guys are just pricing their cars high as if depreciation isn't happening. I haven't a clue if anyone is getting the prices they are asking for, but for the prices I have been seeing, for a few thousand more I could get one brand new. Of course I'd have to wait 3 months, but if I had the cash for a new one, I'd rather buy new and wait. And it seems like lately, there's been a dearth of 85kWh cars under $90K asking price. I'm hoping that as more Model S are delivered, there will be more for sale, kind of easing the tight supply of cars that exists now. Release of the Model X should help as well.