Just received my coastaletech Nav Kit in the mail the other day -- installed it with no issues, but then my ipod2car line in to the stereo wouldn't work!! Rebooting the car did nothing. The only thing I could do was remove the nav kit, after which the ipod2car interface worked great again. I really don't know why the nav kit would interfere with the stereo, but it does. I've asked coastaletech for a refund (no reply yet) -- fair warning to those out there that use this equipment. Jeanne
How good is the ipod screen emulation on the SoundLinQ (Model SLI) - Auxiliary Input Adapter with Apple® iPod™ interface...it looks like the interface converts everything into numbers as though it was a cd multichanger. Can you read the artist name to play by artist? I am on the verge of buying one.
I have the previous model, AIC-100i, which works the same way. The selections are based on playlists. It doesn't do the whole Artist/Album/Genre thing like the iPod itself. It's my understanding that's a limitation of the stereo system. That doesn't matter to me anyway. Working with playlists takes a little getting used to, but works fine for me. At any time I want to get picky and choose by Artist, etc., I just switch into "Simple Mode". At least one poster here stays in Simple Mode all the time. I find the Playlist method works just fine for me 98% of the time. I recommend the VAIS product highly! David
thanks david, So you have to convert the play by artists function to play lists that seems doable but unfortunate. The simple mode sounds bettter for me. THE BIG concern is with regard to the ground loop isolator. This kills frequency response. Did you have to put one in? It says some installations need a GLI. This is a deal breaker for me.
I did not need a GLI. From what I've read, this seems to depend upon the model/generation of iPod. Mine is a 60-GB iPod Photo. David
I think we need a reality check here. We are talking about music from an iPod, compressed MP3 or AAC files, and playing these files thought the stock radio and speakers in the Prius while you drive. I admit I’m no audiophile, but I believe the sound quality the iPod and SLI combination can produce is as good as the sound quality the stock radio can reproduce.