I'm glad you held out, Manny. As I was compromising on my order, I kept wishing that I could hold out as long as Manny on priuschat, but I just knew I didn't have it in me, and I wasn't #1 on anyone's list. It may take therapy for me to be able to see a Tabasco or a Tideland in the wild without feeling envy. And now guilt, as if I am cheating on my poor little Golden car that has no idea how much of a disappointment it's color was to me or how hard I am working on loving it. You will be so happy when you get what you want.
Jeez, BBC, I thought you were going to fold up there. There would have been a gang of Prii en route to extract your toenails for wussing out, giving in, and rolling over. We're both at 154 days - and at least you've been offered something - can't say the same. REPEAT AFTER ME: "...grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change..." - Reinhold Niebuhr I'll tell ya what makes it worse - There are 3 new Prii on my block alone. All of these folks know I'm waiting. They all have garages, but park them outside, I'm convinced, just to taunt me. See, after 5 months I've developed a persecution complex, a facial tic, and more you don't want to know about. Pardon me, I'm due for my medication.
Add to that the fact that I've seen a Black, Tideland, White, and a Driftwood all in the last 10 days after not seeing any in the wild EVER. I was tempted, yet I stayed strong and true. My name is Manny, and I'm a Prius addict The 1st step to recovery is admitting I have a problem.
Manny. My name is Don and I'm a Prius addict. I've been addicted since I read the details of the synergy drive and technology employed. And I don't say this as if it is a bad thing. When more people "recover" and have our addiction, the world will be a better place.
It's been 156 days since I've admitted I'm a Prius addict. It'll be at least 14 more days before I hear anything (Late June allocations) I wonder if I'll get it before my anniversary? (July 13 in case my wife is watching me online)
Don’t feel bad Manny. On Dec. 20, 2003 I placed an order for Silver # 8. It has been 172 days since I placed my order I have never been called by my salesperson. My name has not been placed in any Toyota databases. I have never received a key-ring. I have never received any letters from Toyota. I will probably not be eligible for the refund of the price increase from Toyota. When I placed the order in December I was told that I was number 4 on the list. When I called in February I was told that I was number 2 on the list When I called in late May I was told that I was still number 2 on the list. Whenever I tried to add different packages or color choices I was told by my salesperson that that would not help in speeding up the delivery process. I have run through the entire gambit of emotions regarding this process. I was excited at first, then I became upset, then depressed, and now I really don’t care that much any more. The only things that keep me going is people like you and the others on this message board. So keep your chin up and thanks.