I ran the CarFax. It was initially purchased and registered 6/05 in Key West, FL. No accidents to report. It was declared "totalled" in Miami in January and autioned off to the guy who is re-selling it now. He fixed all the little dents from the hail and it looks like new.
Hi Aardvick You haven't posted WHERE YOU ARE... It is always helpful to know location responding to a question. Also... Where was this "salvage" Prius originally licensed? Along the Gulf Coast could reveal the possibility of Katrina Flood Damage. Location might also confirm or disprove it being in the "Thunderstorm & Hail" belt. Does the seller provide any Warranty? If so, is the seller substantial enough to back a Warranty? Are any of the glass surfaces etched with the VIN? Can you contact the original owner? You could contact Toyota direct to determine whether the "recalls" have been done (those are the "SSC"s - Special Service Campaigns) - computer programming, etc. Will the "seller" permit you to take it to a Toyota Dealer for inspection and evaluation? Even if all these questions were answered to your satisfaction, you still have an uninsured vehicle. What does YOUR insurance agent say about insurance? As you can see, there are many questions which need to be answered. I fear that my position reflects the time-worn saying "If it's too good to be true - It probably isn't true!"
As a matter of fact, he did send me the before" pictures when I asked for them. There is no visible damage to the body other than the pockmarks from the hail. The car was practically new when damaged. I was told that when hybrids get in an accident - their security system shuts off the hybrid system and the insurance adjusters can not start the car or even read the odometer. So in their settlement they put something like: "whole hybrid system needs replacement". As this would be about equal to the cost of the car, they call it "totalled" or "junk" or "salvage." Can anyone confirm that this is true? The shutting off part, I mean. Thanks! [attachmentid=2572]
In an accident or malfunction, the car opens the relay to the HV system (the click you hear when starting the car). This is easily remidied by any Prius-certified mechanic.
As mentioned in previous post, vehicle was originally licensed in Key West. It was declared "salvage" in Miami. You might think, "Hail? In Florida?" But I googled it and, sure enough, it hails often there! In fact, there was a hail storm reported in Miami on 9/10/05. So it is consistant with the story, anyways... All parts have the original VIN. There would be no warranty, but the vehicle is insurable - I called my company to check. They have no problem with it.
I just purchased a salvaged 2005 with 5900 miles.. for 18.5 enough of discount for me to take the risk. True no warranty but to get one with warranty in the same condition I figured at least another 4k. that will take care of a lot. Also no waiting weeks for delivery. Mine had front end damage but airbags didn't deploy and it was easlily repaired.. looks and smells new I couldn't be happier.. yes I will be happier as soon as I get the carpool stickers.. once they stop those.. the prices will drop.. I'm in San Jose.. got mine shipped from L.A.... Oh yea the carfax is always a good idea..
Hmmm, the driver just dissapeared? sounds fishy... His insurance company towed the car in after the driver abandonded the car.. Theres some holes in this story.. PLEASE NOTE, from a Law enforcement stand point we have noticed alot of vehicles new and used coming in from LA that are being sold after being submerged during katrina.. they are being sold on ebay and other various car traders and online sites and the vehicle owners didn't find out for months after the purchase.. Always do a car fax before buying from a salvage yard or a private individual..... (your safety is in your own hands when buying and not taking the nessasary precautions) It could very well be a true cream puff & you got the deal of the century!...... Also the previous owner could very well live in fla and had been visiting LA when katrina hit (could happen) But it sounds like you've already purchased the car & checked it out.... Good Luck with your purchase .. Please read the string before replying. I have already addressed these issues in previous posts. Yes I did see that you have answered the posts , But I wasnt asking a question merly stating facts thats my 2 cents in the pot as well. and I re-edited my post .
Its already been said but it cannot be stressed enough.. something sounds very fishy about this.. I personally would just get a new Prius...
Yes, we do get hail in Florida, not very often though. I think that car may have been flooded by Katrina, only in Miami. When Katrina passed over Miami before heading to LA it caused quite a bit of flooding down there. It could also be a flood car from Wilma, which hit the southern part of the state as well. This is definitely not the year to get a car with a salvage title. If it was from someplace other than the southeast, I’d consider it, but we’ve had too many things going on here to consider getting a car with no warranty.
whaaa?? when a hybrid gets into an accident, you tow it to the dealer for evaluation and mechanical fixes, then to the body shop to do up the exterior. just like any other car. DH has repaired plenty of accident-damaged prii and sent them off to the body shop. that whole security system BS and needing to replace the "whole hybrid system" is equivalent to saying an antitheft system would require you to replace hte transmission and the engine in a gas powered car. that is a straight out lie. besides. i thought the damage was hail related, so what's with the accident story they fed you? a couple dents in the car won't ruin the car, or anyone with a door ding would need a whole new car!
This is beginning to have a particular well Oder to it. Go down to Elliott Bay and take a deep breath. Can we say fishy, I am guessing this car is a victim of one or another of the Hurricanes last fall. If it was filled with salt water it may not be such a deal. There have been reports of cars sent north those "damn Yankees" and if you don't think you fall into that category just because Washington was not a state during the "War of Northern Aggression" you have another thing coming. You are north of the Mason-Dixon line and you are a Damn Yankee. Trust me.
Do you mean that you have never actually been near the car? Are you sure the VIN you got is from the same car? Do you have a good reason to trust the seller? Do you have 18.5K $ to throw away? It is possible that it wasn't flooded, but it is also possible that it will freeze tommorrow in Miami. I think you were wise to ask for advice. I hope you are happy with your decsion.
I have to agree with Allannde here. I think you should run away from this. The story is WAY too fishy. You are FAR better off not taking your chances and putting yourself on the wait list for the cheapest package Prius available in your area or getting a used one w/a clear title. You might be just better off w/a new one due to the tax credit.
Hey cwerdna, wanna buy a car? It has a clp of dents but looks almost as good as it did in this picture..[attachmentid=2584] $14,500. Little old lady used to drive it to church and back.. :lol: Someone already said it here If its to good to be true it probibly isnt true.
As I mentioned above I purchased a salvaged Prius a few weeks ago. Usually you get these from dealers who do this for a living. Which means they have to stand behind their products, also when you go through EBay you have some protections. These cars aren't cheap, you still are paying the Prius premium. The one offer I got to get a 2005 Prius shipped from Germany, with warranty for $6k now thats too good to be true. My seller invited me to come and see the car, or they would take it to Pep Boys and have a complete inspection. I opted for the inspection and the car was found to be in perfect shape. Again risk is there but these are not really fraud operations, these are smart people trying to make an honest living fixing what someone else has incorrectly identified as a total loss. No wonder our insurance rates are where they are. San Jose, Ca.
Our first Prius spent its first 18 days in the shop and after $18,000 in parts after receiving it NEW and having it ONE day. Need I say that the CARFAX now reflects this issue..... DO NOT BUY SALVAGE- the parts take forever to get and cost $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. You want the warranty...
Aardvick, I did a little fact checking in my handy dandy warranty book. Yes, it is true that this car is not covered under the New Vehicle Limited Warranty (p.12); however, is does state that the "salvage" or "total-loss vehicle" exclusion does not apply to the emission control warranties. Of course, the emission control warranties appear to be directly related to performance of the vehicle during emissions control tests.
Thanks to all of you for your informed replies. I have been out of town since Thursday and have only just now read through your posts. As it turns out, I did not buy that beautiful salsa red prius with the hail damage. Someone else snagged it before I could have it evaluated. But I am still considering buying a Prius with a salvage title. The one I'm looking at now is a 2005 seaside pearl with <3000 miles. It had damage to the rear end which has been repaired and looks like new. The poor owner only drove it for 2 mo before the accident (according to CarFax). As I mentioned before, my sister has already bought a salvage title Prius from this seller and it is in perfect condition. Here is a before and after photo of the repaired rear end. I'll keep you posted.... [attachmentid=2680] [attachmentid=2681] [attachmentid=2682]