I do not have a garage in which I can park my 2014 PIP. I would like to purchase a level two charger and mount it on the side of the house so that when I get home at night, I can just take the cable and plug in the car. Although I live in a reasonable neighborhood, I really don't want to leave the plug available for anyone who might be inclined to pull up in their Tesla, Leaf etc. and help themselves while I am at work. So, what I am looking for an outdoor charger that will allow me to lock the plug into the charger while I am not there. Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks, Phil
Run the wiring through a switch inside the house and use it to turn off the power to the plug. Alternately, you can turn off the circuit breaker that feeds the charger, although breakers are not designed to be used as switches.
Took an hour to find this link and I knew who and what I was looking for. You can lock this type of electrical box. Best set I've seen so far. Thinking of Adding Charge Station | PriusChat
Other options - an OpenEVSE which is programmed to only charge off-peak (maybe a custom forward build to ensure this). Timer on the circuit. An EVSE which has a disable input (ex: Siemens Versi-Charge, there are others) - wired to a switch inside, or a timer. I presume you will use a hard wired connection to the EVSE. You can buy security screws and the proper bit at your local full service hardware store.
Honestly, I think you may be a bit paranoid here, but I'll humor you. Probably the simplest way is to use a service/maintenance lockout setup over the connector at the end of your cable. These are intended to be safety devices for industrial/commercial use, but would serve your purpose just as well. See the link for an example. MASTER LOCK Oversized Plug Cover,Red - Plug and Switch Lockout Devices - 1TDB5|453L - Grainger Industrial Supply
I agree with Squirt.. unless you have reason to believe this may actually happen.. like if you came home from work before and found someone washing their car using your hose in your driveway. My EVSE is inside the garage, but my J-plug is outside. Its "hidden" when not in use. FWIW, I have a neighbor with a PiP and they've never tried to charge in my driveway.
I would worry more about someone cutting the cable for the copper (which is very unlikely too). It's not going to happen....
If you really want to pay out for something top of the line, the charger here Electric Vehicle Charging Offers - Save Energy - British Gas which I got fitted free as part of the UK government funded package has a very nifty cylindrical key, each one unique. It's branded Polar over here but it's part of Chargemaster.
That's an amazing deal. EVSE, new dedicated circuit put in by an electrician, all free. Wish that level of EV enlightenment existed on this side of the Pond.
Tad off topic, but I actually came home one day a saw my new neighbor using my hose and faucet to wash his car! I approached him nicely, commented what a nice ride, but why was he washing his car with my water? He looked at me and called me an idiot, and stated emphatically that this was his hose and hose faucet, so piss off! OK I thought, I dropped my stuff off in the house, went to the garage and got the Street Shutoff Valve Key that I had made, walked up the driveway to the water meter, ours are on the street, next to the Shut-off Valve. I popped the vault open, and turned the water to my home off! At that point I was watching the new rude neighbor pick up the hose to rinse off the car, and not a drop of water came out of the nozzle. He stood there for a second, shook the nozzle, like that will help, and squeezes it again, nothing! He then unscrews the nozzle, and much to my disbelief, he started to look into the hose to see where the water was .... So I turned it on, all 170 PSI of it, this particular faucet was not on the regulated line!! Water shot him in the face, he held on, dumb, and by the time he dropped the snakelike hose he was soaked. I turned the water off, walked down the driveway, looked at him, and simply said, "See, I told you it was my water faucet and hose"! and went into the house! He actually figured it out! I put a lock on that faucet! I love messing with rude bastards!
I know. If anything, a bit over the top, but it means my OEM EVSE gets very little wear and tear. Any Brit PiP driver that hasn't had one fitted should do, while they're still available.
My son is a sergeant in the sheriffs dept. He went on a call recently to a condo complex where a resident in one unit had attached a hose to the outside faucet of a neighbor's unit, and then hooked it up to his outside faucet in order to steal water to supply his house. The offender wasn't at home, so no arrest, but a deputy made the victim's hose bib inoperable at their request. Case referred to Code Enforcement for investigation and possible civil action.