Hi all, I recently purchased a Rear Bumper Protector for 2010-2014 Toyota Prius for my 2014 PIP. I thought I had it in the correct position when I removed the adhesive strips to install it but realized the next day that the curvature is not lined up properly causing a gap in between the bumper and the protector. My stomach sank when I realized this error. Is there a way to 1) remove the protector without substantial damage to the paint and 2) reapply without having to purchase another protector? Thanks so much! Amy
You might have a chance of getting it off if you warm the adhesive with a blow dryer to soften the adhesive. Don't know what kind of shape it will be in afterward though. If the protector is Ok, but the adhesive is toast, you can buy more. It's 3M exterior automotive trim mounting tape, make sure the backing on the roll is red, not white. SCH-I535
So I just need to replace the mounting tape once I remove it from the bumper? Any advice on removal without damaging paint? Thanks!
No guarantee this will work, but: 1) Do this on a blazing hot day with the rear bumper sitting in direct sunlight all day. This is to soften the adhesive. 2) Use a hair dryer, and warm up the protector as much as possible. This is to further soften the adhesive. 3) Take dental floss, wedge it underneath the protector, and use it to "cut" the tape between the bumper and the protector. 4) Assuming you're able to get the protector off, use an adhesive removal liquid (they're usually petroleum based) to remove any glue. 5) If your protector is salvageable, buy new tape and reapply.
Good advice above. You might want to wrap the ends of the dental floss, or use nylon fishing line, around some wood dowels or pens to save your fingers. Use a sawing motion. It would be best to have two people, one to cut the adhesive with the line and the other to lift the end off and keep it from re-attaching. The adhesive remover is sold under the name Goo Gone, but there are many available. Yes, use one that is petroleum based, I believe mineral spirits will be in the ingredients. SCH-I535
When you are ready to reapply the bumper protector, do you know the proper way to do it? After you have applied the mounting tape to the bumper protector and you are ready to stick it on the car, you don't want to peel off the backing tape all at once before applying. Doing it that way, you only have one shot at getting it lined up perfectly. The proper way is to position the bumper protector on the car before removing any of the backing tape and mark the position with making tape or a grease pencil, etc. Then separate the mounting tape backing only at the very ends of only one side and bend the backing tape over on itself at a 45 degree angle so that you have some tabs sticking out from the sides of the protector. You should only expose about an inch or two of the mounting tape. Then position the bumper protector carefully on the bumper using your reference markings. When you are satisfied with the position, start slowly pulling the mounting tape out of the sides of the protector while pressing down following the removal to secure. SCH-I535
Why type the instructions, when Toyota has already done it for you (including photos)? http://www.trdsparks.com/install/00016-47040inst.pdf