Well I came home late last night, parked on the street. Saw an unfamiliar car parked across with someone sitting inside. Didn't think anything of it, proceeded to go to the front door. Then heard running, 2 guys holding a car bumper jumped into the car across the street. They see me, I see them. I called 911 right there. ..... Now maybe I should've waited till I was inside before calling, so they don't see me call. Cops showed up 10 minutes later, what a waste. Now I'm thinking they'll come find me SM-N900P ?
Minor tactical error just standing out in the open like that. Make yourself less visible.....as in hide where you can observe what is going on. Absorb and pass along all the information that you can. A license plate number would have been really good. NO piece of property is worth risking your health for. Don't fret. You should be fine.
My neighborhood is normally really safe, never seen anything like this before. Yes I have to admit, it was a tactical error. I was thinking about it right before I pulled out my phone. Both the criminals and myself seeing eye to eye.......thought to myself, if I don't call, they'll think they can come back and repeat this crap.
You did what you could. Thanks BTW. What would I have done? I would have snapped a picture with my phone. THEN I would have called 9-1-1. I used this technique once while traveling and I actually got a fairly decent picture. They probably didn't catch the punks though, since I was never called about it. ER is right. You're going to be fine. They're not going to want to come back for a while. Good Luck!
I walked around the block afterwards to look for the car without a bumper but couldn't find it. There are some side streets that have a few homes inside that are really dark. I didn't venture into those streets, that's probably where they hit. I can't imagine them doing it on the main street, where it's well lit. I probably will call the police department and ask that they do some extra patrols on my street. Not sure it'll do any good, but someone has to speak up and ask.
Concur....MY phone has a flash. Maybe in those oppressed states that mandate front and rear tags you can use them to deter the crime of tailgating. As far as punks stealing car parts? I'm thinking that it'll make the cockroaches scatter faster, but I acknowledge that I might feel differently if I lived in a high crime area like LA, and I might act less aggressively against crime if I were standing in front of MY house. I know what I personally would do, but that's ME. YMMV.