Discuss autonomous driving vehicles here. This is to continue from the discussion at My PCS Experiences | PriusChat. Here are some previous threads: Google's self-driving cars take TED attendees for a wild ride | PriusChat. Unfortunately, the videos in the original post were lost due to the Priuschat software switch. There have been other 1st posts that have been lost/altered due to the software change. I think this was one of them: was another was REALLY good. For anyone who has a computer science background or has done w/work w/robotics and vision in computers, they'd love it. was a recent PR video from Google. How Google's Self-Driving Car Works - IEEE Spectrum might be of interest to some folks here. The first video in that article (part 2 of 3) is pretty cool. Part 3 was ok. I listened to this story recently thanks to the NPR News app on my iPhone: Bump On The Road For Driverless Cars Isn't Technology, It's You : All Tech Considered : NPR. As I mentioned at Google's self-driving cars | PriusChat, I was surprised and AMAZED that I got to ride in the DARPA Urban Challenge winner w/the computer driving in January 2008.
I saw this today and thought of you: Google Creating Wireless Network, But For What? - Digits - WSJ The article is all about super dense communication networks that Google is experimentally deploying on their campus. 1) I submit that this technology is essential to millions of autonomous cars that will soon be driving our roads.... Best part is that Google is at odds with cell phone companies who think they're in charge of the future of wireless services for cars. 2) I submit that the ownership that Verizon & AT&T have on bandwidth is an unfair monopoly and tech companies like Google have plans to rewrite the laws in ways that ends bandwidth monopoly, which will be returned to the public under emminent domain so we can end / severely limit the number lives lost in car accidents! Thoughts?
No Hands, No Feet: My Unnerving Ride In Google's Driverless Car - Forbes BTW, some folks may not be aware of some of its limitations. I knew about the part I underlined but not about the rest...
Here we go... an activity that I personally enjoy will be taken away. I can see that it will (eventually) be deemed unsafe for anyone to operate a motor vehicle without artificial assistance. Once again, our society chooses to give up responsibility and in turn another freedom.
Calm down fella. You will still get to drive the rest of your lifetime most likely, unless you are in your 20's maybe.
Try selling that to any of the thousands of families torn apart every year by drunk and texting driver accidents... You ever meet anyone who's lost a son or daughter to a drunk driver? It's absolutely devastating... and one of the saddest things you'll ever experience.
That self driving autos are somehow taking away your freedom? You'd still be free to drive where you like... but drunk idiots will not be free to drive in oncoming traffic lanes or into peoples houses or on crowded sidewalks, depressed people will not be able to load their innocent kids in a van and drive it into a lake, and maybe prom night will be remembered for the party not the inevitable tragedy that happens somewhere every single year.
I was merely complaining that I might not be free to drive my car at some point in the future. How that became me selling something to drunk idiots and depressed people is a very bizarre implication on your part.
Kenny- I'm not implying you're trying to sell anything to drunks, etc... I originally suggested that the families suffering fatalities from drunk driving idiots may feel different if you try to tell them everyone has the freedom to drive and that autonomous driving is a bad thing. I'm pointing out that you may have to give up something for the greater good of society. If you could get a guarantee that there would be zero automobile fatalities from drunk/stoned/sleeping/speeding/road rage/suicidal drivers next year- and all you had to do was let the car drive itself (assume it's a proven technology at that point) would you accept that?
You're saying that thoughtful, conscientious, law-abiding people must relinquish their freedom to drive in order to prevent drunk, depressed idiots from driving? When those same idiots engage in other activities that might also hurt people, then the law-abiding citizens will have to give up those activities too? Sure, where do I sign up?
Seems like that's exactly how many current laws have come into being, not saying that's good- but again... for the greater good. When enough people do something stupid or enough people get hurt- something needs to be done. Maybe this is the next logical step? Current methods of education and enforcement aren't working. My kids had to do a project for their driving class, they had to cut out 20 accident articles from the news paper and write something up as to the cause of the accident. More than two thirds of the twenty involved drugs/alcohol There were also people who resisted mandatory seatbelt laws because it took away their freedom do drive without a restrictive seatbelt. That seems pretty shortsighted now doesn't it? I'm looking at auto-drive vehicles the same way... they can possibly dramatically lower the number of automobile fatalities by taking the driving chore away from people who are in no condition to drive and put others at risk every time they get behind the wheel. Looking forward- I can't imagine a future where people do their own driving- so it's all probably academic anyway.
Totally agree. There will come a day when driving oneself will be outlawed. I believe that will be decades down the line. But, make no mistake, the infighting and politics may be bigger and more intense than it is for gun control. It will be a very interesting time.
About 33,000 people were killed because of automobiles in 2013. It's probably not worth covering your ears and saying la, la, la over 33,000 lives.