So I'm going to be getting a Prius soon, but I'm also going to be moving soon and buying the car there, so right now I'm just figuring out exactly what color I want. Since most of the dealerships around here get a Prius one day, and sell it the next, it's hard to see all the colors because they move so quickly. I've tried to find all the pictures I could of your guy's cars on this forum, but I haven't been able to find many. Could anyone that owns an '06 Prius in Driftwood Pearl, Silver Pine Mica, or Black post a couple great pictures of their cars here? That would help me a lot, those are the three colors I'm considering, but leaning towards black a little bit (I think). Originally I figured I'd get silver, but I'm not really into gray seats, I prefer the lighter bisque color, so I'm only considering colors that can come with bisque interiors. I saw the black with bisque at a dealership today, and it was absolutely gorgeous, but I want to see the driftwood and silver pine ones too. Hopefully I'll find a dealership that has those two, but until then, it would be great if you guys could post your pictures of your cars. Thanks!
These pictures are compliments of Joe. This isn't my car exactly, but it's a 2004 Tideland which is in essence my car. These are the pictures that convinced me that I wanted a Tideland.
Last night I had to take my car in for some tire repair. When the guy asked the color of the car, I replied "we'll go with gray."
Sure, why not? [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: I got an 06 Black with bisque leather interior and I love it! I got the windows tinted shortly after taking delivery of the car (20% on the rearmost windows except for the already tinted lower hatch window, 30% on the front windows) and it looks so sleek and gorgeous!!
I'm not sure where you live, but I live in the desert was never an option. I wanted something that wouldn't show the dirt too much and I absolutely fell in love with Driftwood Pearl. Believe it or not, walked in to the lot and there it question I would buy it. and wouldn't think of any other color. Here are some pics (first time I've tried to do this so if it doesn't work please look at my avatar): [attachmentid=2556] [attachmentid=2557]
Thanks for the pictures, they all look great, I'm torn between colors even more now. I think I really need to see the driftwood pearl myself to see if it's what I want, because it looks different in every picture, but your pictures make it look great. I'm living in LA right now, but I'm going to be moving to vegas soon. I'll probably buy it in vegas, but now I'm shopping around for the color. Or maybe I will get it here if one is available soon, I'll have to see how registration goes because I don't want to have to register it in CA, and then in NV. Everyone has been telling me that black gets dirty really fast, and I imagine it does, especially living in the desert, but it looks so good with a beige interior I think it might still be worth it. Plus for some reason I never really care about the outside of the car being somewhat dirty, as long as the windshields and mirrors are clean and the inside is super clean, I'm all set.
Black doesn't necessarily get dirty any faster than other colored cars, but it shows it more prominently. I'm not obsessive about keeping it clean, I don't mind having a dirty car for the better part of a week. We have a mobile car wash service that comes to our office building once a week and I have it washed that often. The Friday before last it was pouring rain so he didn't stop by and, by day 13 my car was pretty decently dirty, but not enough to bother me much. The windows are pretty much all that need to be reasonably clean so you can see out of them though. The windshield (front and back) wipers do a fantastic job of keeping the windows clean, I like that the rear wiper also has a sprayer...I've seen some cars that only have a wiper in the rear, with no sprayer. Edited to add: that last sentence just doesn't sound quite right to me.
Some things to consider about black cars (my car is black). The Dirty Dozen: First, they ALWAYS look dirty unless you wash it daily...esspecially if you are moving to the desert where it's very dusty! In places with plant life (like WA), you will find your shiney black car spending each day covered in green/gold/yellow/or pink pollen. On the plus side, your free color-changing paint job will be solid some days, spotted on others, and striped on yet others. And for free! Each morning holds a new paintjob surprise. On the downside, you must wash your car daily or at least every second day, to retain the original sexy black color. (And black IS sexy!) In The Heat of The Night: Black is the worst color to have in the desert, not just because of all the dust kicked up everywhere you drive (and park)... but because black absorbs heat like it's going out of style. You will bake. The Score: My recomendation for easy-to-keep-clean is silver or better yet Driftwood Pearl (it's the same color as the desert dust!). For ultimate heat deflection, you are best with white (dirt will show, however). Just my two cents. Enjoy your Prius! *I want one too!* (*cough* I think I have too much time on my hands today... *cough*)
We liked the moldings from Metrotpn better- the Highland ones were too big. Here are some pics of an earlier meeting of the OC Prius Club- Click around and you will see all the 05/04 colors...
Now you're making me feel bad Minny last got washed when I put the HOV stickers on, October 30th. Being silver she doesn't show dirt much at all. Recently someone wrote a peace symbol on her door with their finger and that's the only reason I started noticing that she's dirty.
I'm glad you like the pics. I live in high altitude desert, but we still get very I suggested in my post, and as Starbug indicated, don't get a black one! You will mightly regret purchasing a black Prius if you are moving to Nevada. Even here, at 6000 feet, we've already being getting up into the mid-70s (about a week and a half ago) and the car, with all of its windows, heats up pretty darn quick. Bright white, driftwood pearl, silver pine mica, and the silver are all good bets for the desert...anything darker and you will regret it! Trust me...I've lived here for 15 years and worked in the desert for 26 years. Another at least the HeatShield Windshield Reflector Shade for the front...its fabulous!
I just got a silver #8, and I like the color of the grey leather. Its not too dark and it is quite rich looking. I originally wanted red or blue with bisque, buy am glad I ended up with the above. I will post pictures as soon as I finish detailing it. If you haven't seen the grey leather in person, don't discount it. The photos on priuschat of the grey leather don't do it any justice. Its quite nice.
Yeah please post pics when you can - thats the color/option Prius I want to get. So any pics of any part of the car inside/out would be great!
Black is by far the best color for the Prius. We would have gotten it, but one dark colored car is enough to take care of LOL.
I have a small gallery available at the link in my sig. I'll have to take a few more pictures when it warms up and stops snowing.
Since leather is a new option on the Prius, I should probably also warn that leather would be a bad idea in the desert too.... you'll end up burning yourself pretty badly in the desert heat. My car has (black) leather, and it hurts in the summer! And if you put fabric seat covers on to protect your backside from burns, then that defeats the purpose of choosing leather in the first place.
Thanks for all the weather related tips and pictures. I have seen the dark grey interior on a silver one in person, and it's just not for me. I think I've decided to go with black with bisque interior, the contrast between the dark outside and light inside just looks so rich to me. I know it's going to heat up faster in the sun, but I think I'll go with it anyway. Still haven't seen a driftwood pearl in person, not even on the freeway, but I'm keeping my eyes out and I have a few weeks before I have to decide, so I might change my mind still. I don't like leather seating in cars, so I'm definitely going with fabric interior, but it's nice to know my decision makes sense for the hot weather too.