Hey guys - looking for an OBD connection cable and app for iphone to sync via bluetooth or wifi. Any suggestions as to what's the best out there? Brand? Cost? Where to get it? Thanks.
Depends on what I can do. What are some of the simple things I can do? I wanted to measure my MPG since I got new rims I feel that my MPG has decreased tremendously. Any thoughts to which brand to get?
I have both Carista and Torque Pro. They both do different things. Carista lets you modify the personal settings of the vehicle. Torque pro is a data logger. It seems that you may be more interested in the data logging.
What personal setting could you change? Can you tell me you got them? How much we taking about? iPhone ?
OP, I recommend searching the forums for terms like "OBD bluetooth", "Carista", "torque", etc. There's a wealth of information available, and you'll probably find the answers to all your questions.