I felt like such a genius when I found $5.50 all-day parking in downtown Toronto (Kensington Green P). I don't normally drive downtown but had an appointment the day I was coming home from a trip to Ottawa so it made sense to drive straight there. Anyway on the way out of the garage I paid at the exit gate and then promptly scraped my left wheel and dented above it. Nice yellow scrape. I just moved back here last month and never owned a car here. Any thoughts on what I should reasonably expect the repair to cost? Places to consider/avoid for repairs? I have a $500 deductible so probably no point taking this to insurance.
Too bad the damage spans both the bumper cover and the fender. Would have been less if damage was limited to one or the other. Also, damage to the wheel cover. SCH-I535
If it hasn't broken through the paint (to bare metal), I would bring it to a good detailer. Obviously, if the metal is damaged, you'll need bodywork. Otherwise, I've seen top-notch detailers fix damage similar to that, and you couldn't tell anything happened.
Saw that same thing on a Tesla, lol Anyway...I see that a lot on cars in my apartment complex, who mostly park head first...don't people know that it's much easier to park back in, then head first??? and might I also add car's ready to move next time you come to it, but no, people would rather just come in and park the lazy way, and second guess where their fenders are with the columns (or other cars).
Yes well this was an exit gate so the direction of parking wasn't at issue here Oy really $1000? I had a previous scrape and dent that was larger and cost about $650 in BC, but it spanned only the rear bumper and a wheel cover. And that one was someone else's fault. Yes the metal is dented but only on the fender not the bumper. I think there's one small spot where the paint is scraped down. Nexus 5 ?
You may want to speak with a paintless dent removal company before going to a body shop, they can fix many dents and scrapes for less $$$.
Good to know. Upon further inspection: - The yellow paint is superficial and the factory paint is still visible underneath after taking a fingernail to a tiny bit of the yellow. - The white scratches appear to indeed be scratches but again the factory paint appears underneath after wiping away some of the debris. - On the bumper section only, two dime sized areas have the underlying metal visible and everything else is superficial. If it would reduce the cost significantly, I wouldn't be bothered by leaving those spots as is, fixing the dent and polishing the white and yellow off. Nexus 5 ?