Can the ads be moved out of the post body? It is intrusive breaking on a post with one. I'd rather have it at the end of the post, and think it's a poster's signature, if nothing else is possible.
I'm still playing around with placements, so you may see them move around a bit more. Thanks for the feedback. Side note: I will be launching an ad-free version of PriusChat soon that will be available to "Premium" members.
Just logged-on on the site, have been ? for a while now. I'm happy that you are proud of the new version of the web site. But the ads are way too intrusive. I'll stick with tapatalk, no ads.
It sure would, because I would have to leave ..... I HATE those ads in the middle of the post. Sometimes I'm reading the ad, thinking it is part of the post, until I find out it is not. Just put the ads on the side.
Ads? What ads? (I had to block ads and most other third party junkware years ago, just to get usable performance on a limited bandwidth and a monthly data allowance on a landline that would cramp many mobile phone users today. Now with Big Data watching / recording / profiling everything, I've chosen to keep blocking them.)
I'm still working on pricing, but my goal is to: Make it reasonably priced Provide Premium members with Premium features on the site, like elimination of all ads (except for possible future in-house ads), a Premium forum with special group buy opportunities and, potentially, information. Additional features like a banner below your username showing that you are a Premium member, ability to bookmark posts or threads. Give out a goodie bag with special PriusChat reusable grocery bags and a car decal. Provide special discounts in the PriusChat Shop for Premium Members at various times during the year. I haven't asked for donations for running PriusChat in over 10 years, but I've had lots of people offer to give donations that I have declined because I want to feel like I'm giving something in return. Thoughts?