Hi everyone! Hope I have the right forum for this question. I just bought a 2005 Prius with 69k miles on it in January. The car had all scheduled maintenance done prior to my buying it. i immediately had the oil and filter changed within the first 1k miles I put on it. Used a synthetic blend oil and had it done at a Valvoline place I've been taking my Toyotas to for a long time. Today, right after I started the car, the red triangular shaped alert with the exclamation point came on. I went to the "maintenance" button on the panel and it showed the oil filter icon in orange. I'm still on a learning curve with this car, but I take it that means it's time to get an oil change? It should be good for at least another 1-2k miles based on the oil I used. It's currently at 74k miles. Should I be worried about this or does this light always come on when it's time for a change? Thanks for your help!
It sounds like someone forget to reset the maintenance reminder. My GenIII's reminder is based strictly on the odometer, and must be manually reset. I don't recall the GenII being any smarter.
Maybe these photos describe it better. So basically I just need to reset the button myself next time I get it changed?
That is not a maintenance reminder. you should check your engine fluid levels. Start with the oil level dipstick and then check your coolant level at the radiator. I'm suspecting you have run low on one of those fluids. Those lights you are seeing are warning lights
My GenIII is different than your GenII, and has different reminders, so I'm not the best person to answer this. Did your used car come with the Owners Manual? I found a couple threads indicating that some GenIIs can have a variety of custom reminders pre-set by the driver or shop. (Our new Subaru also has this.) Here are the first relevant threads I found, one here on PriusChat and one elsewhere. Notice the picture in the first thread, and the reset instructions in the second. Oil filter warning Toyota Prius Warning Light? While I'm believing this is strictly a mileage-based reminder set before you acquired the car, this is also a good reason to follow JC's suggestion and do a complete check of fluid levels.
You have the Hybrid System Warning light on in the MFD. The red car with exclamation point. This is the important one. Has nothing to do with the engine. That will throw the red triangle which is the Master Warning Alert on the dash that's used to get your attention that something is very wrong and needs attention. You need to get the Hybrid trouble codes read read that the car has stored. These must be read by a Hybrid capable code reader. They don't use those at the free autostore check. Dealer charges $125 to pull the codes. Post those codes back here including its sub codes= XXXX-XXX Usually its a bad hybrid battery that has a soft module or 2. Is the hybrid battery on the consumption meter making big swings from full to empty fast and is the battery fan in the backseat coming on? While at the dealer find out if the Hybrid battery is under warranty. It differs from state to state and you did not list your location in in your profile so have no idea what your warranty is.