I've used the search function to try to find info on this but after I try to bring up a page from the search results, it comes up blank. I'm going to be buying a 12 ft Porta-bote that weighs 69 Lbs and when closed is 12 ft long by 4 inches deep. When open it's 5 ft wide by 12 ft long. If youve never seen one, it can be found on www.porta-bote.com. I'm asking if anyone here has put on a roof rack and what your experience has been. I know that my milage will suffer but it's either taking my gas eating pick up or figuring out how to do this. Thanks
The blank pages are a bug... remove the ?highlight=<whatever> from the end of the URL. FYI, Thule makes a rack system for the Prius. Yakima does not. See www.thule.com for details. Nate
Thule and yakima both make racks for the '04-'05 prius though with both companys the kits to attach them to the prius are scarce. I just instaled a yakima (my old rack was a yakima so I stuck with it so would'nt need to buy new accesories) and had to wait a week for the clip kit.I checked around town ( Los angeles ) and only found one Thule fit kit available. So far some wind noise but around town 25-35 mph ish not much change in mpg next tank will be the test,I know it will be lower but it still has to be better than my Volvo wagon's 17mpg around town with the rack and I'm not tearing up the interior with a dirty bike. I ride daily when I can and my last car suffered until I got the rack. -Eric
I was over in the Album forum and saw a couple of pictures of boats on roofs. Look in appearance modifications: http://www.priuschat.com/forums/album_pic....php?pic_id=1103
Hey Greybeard, I don't have a rack yet, but have been looking into one made by SARIS. They claim that it is easily romovable. Try ebay, and search under "Saris rack". By the way, I had a chance to see the porta bote at the Los Angeles boat show a few months ago and was very impressed with the little folding boat. I would love to get the 12 ft. model like you, but unfortunately I live in an apartment on the second floor, and the elevator is not big enough. So I'll have to settle for the 10 footer. Good luck on your search, and please post pictures.