Last month I installed solar panels on my new home since I see this as a prerequisite for moving to an EV or PHEV (besides, you MAKE money on the solar panels). Toyota does not sell the PIP in Texas AFAIK, so when I happened upon a Toyota representative at the Bastrop Green Expo today I stopped by to inquire if he knew when the PIP would be arriving. I was very surprised he said the PIP is discontinued and would be replaced with hydrogen cars next year! I find it a bit incredible that a vehicle NOT sold in all 50 states is moving more units than a vehicle that IS being sold in all 50 states (i.e. Volt) would be put out to pasture. He also said that Toyota was so done with hybrid technology they gave it to Ford and another automaker (I could not listen to his entire sentence since this was quite a shocker to me...I didn't think Toyota was a charity). This experience underscores why Telsa is correct in NOT selling cars via lying dealer network...
I'm sure there was a wet mark on the rear of his pants (not saying you checked) from talking out of his nice person.
The stuff some salespeople say is remarkable. Just think how many people actually believe them. Scary!
buy one now, from a state where they are sold. if worst comes to worst, your grandchildren will make a fortune off this rare beast.
I wouldn't trust that source. If Toyota was done with Hybrids they would not of created a w hole family of Prius's.
Did he mention how Toyota is planning to have a continent-wide Hydrogen distribution network up and running within six months? Did he explain why Toyota is abandoning their tried and true model of testing locally and then gradually improving & exporting new vehicles *after* they've gotten the bugs out at home? Are you sure that the New and improved GM didn't slip in a ringer at Bastrop?
Did you ask him what he had been smoking? Or it might be a Texas/California thing. Tesla may still be deciding on its battery plant. Prius is the best selling car in California it would be really clever to kill the product. Toyota Prius hybrid was top-selling car in California
Am I the only one that sees a sliver of truth in his comments. I own two 2014 Prius Plug In's cars and love them however, Toyota has had ads laughing at plug in's as a technology. They also never did release the Plug In Prius to the rest of the country like originally stated. They have stated everywhere that they view hydrogen as the future. Now while I am sure the death of the Prius is exaggerated, I suspect that the beginning of the end is likely starting soon. Yes we will likely see another model in 2016, I see a sliver of truth in his overstated statements……BTW, not sure I agree with Toyota's Hydrogen Push, however a couple of strategies make sense……like using hydrogen as an extender fuel on an electric cars
The message I got from that was "no plug required". The benefit is still there if you do, but not being a necessity is different.
See their road map for the ultimate eco-car. It is not a single solution! Note, hydrogen vehicle can be a plugin hybrid as well.
The bit about the PiP is in the realm of possibilities and if the salesman has been reading interviews with Toyota execs, watching Lexus commercials, or paying attention to the non-existent PiP roll out I could understand how he got that impression. As for the hybrid technology, he is higher than a kite.