I had a persistent soft rattle that sounded like it was coming from the dash area. Looked there, pulled the glove box off, taped a wire, and padded where the glove box meets the dash board, padded my right hand mud flap, and padded the glove box door upper RH corner, all to no good effect. Then just a few days ago I pushed the shotgun seat forward and reclined the seat back all the way, and VOILA!. The next day I looked under the seat. There are three yellow plastic electrical connectors that control the airbag and sensor. They are surprisingly rickety by design. Double side taping a 1.5 thick inch soft foam pad on top of the connectors, between them and the underside of the seat did the trick. I LOVE conquering rattles.
I am proudest of finding one years ago in my body on frame Chevy. I managed to figure out that the body and frame were out of spec. I bought a 1/2 inch longer bolt to re-locate the rubber isolation grommets in the proper zone.