I haven't found any videos or pictures on the internet of anyone unboxing coilovers; let alone coilovers for the Prius so here is what you can expect when you jump the gun with this purchase. These Tanabes were $891 from Evasive Motorsports; the cheapest online price I could find. Free shipping too but I had to wait 5 weeks to get them in. Because the Canadian Prius Plus Performance packages didn't get the TRD lowering springs, I could have bought the springs and installed them. But after reading that some users here weren't happy with the "feeling" of the TRD springs, I researched for a setup that would be comfortable and height adjustable. After narrowing it down to Tein, Cusco and Tanabe, I opted for Tanabe after seeing that they had the lowest spring rates (highest potential comfort). My priorities are comfort, looks, and then better handling since my car is my daily driver. The setup is 3.4K front and 4.0K rear according the specs in the manual. Also the range of height adjustment is -0.75 to -2 inches front and -1.0 to -2.5 inches rear. Ideally, I would like to mimic the TRD springs drop with -1.0 front and -1.3 rear. This is a heavy 60lb box. I never knew suspension parts weighed so much. I think half of the weight is the springs themselves. Without further adieu, voila! Here are the rear springs and rear shocks. On Tanabe's website, it doesn't show the springs having that grey plastic sheath on them. I think Tanabe might have included these recently probably because of too much complaints of the typical quirky noises you often get with coilovers. Here is the rear strut. Here is the rear adjustable spring perch. I can see already that the threads are gonna be caked with crap + small rocks shortly after install. Not sure how one is supposed to clean them before adjustment. Here are the front shocks in their protective packaging: Here is the front shock. The piston's diameter is freaken huge. I think the specs had them at 22mm and the rears at 12.5mm. I used to run Koni yellows on my Honda civic - they were awesome shocks but I don't recall the pistons being this BIG! I didn't bother taking everything out but here is one coilover in the front and one rear. Also of note that this coilover setup doesn't include helper springs like some of Tanabe's models for other cars. Notice the front springs have the grey sheath too? And of course the stickers! Possibly the ugliest stickers I've ever seen for car goodies. I wonder who's gonna stick these on their car? So far so good. Great packaging and the product looks to be of decent quality. Stay tuned for my detailed report on the handling of the Prius after these babies are installed.
RightOnTime: Thanks! I will get an alignment after I put on some mileage after the install. You must be running good suspension too on your Prius as I've seen you around the forums quite a bit
Can't complain on the Teins, wish they had stiffer spring rates Also if you want to get it done right, get your car corner balanced. That way your car is equally balanced on all 4 corners. Keep up the good work!
Debating on these or ksports. Let us know how these are! Also- beangarage can get the tanabes for $880 shipped for those that want to save a few dollars.
Hey Grren4ever, Looking forward to your review. I installed a set of these about 6 months ago, and so far I've been happy with them. The ride is nice and smooth. And besides, I don't need all the adjustments that the more expensive ones come with. It's just a car to get me back and forth to work. But I do wish that they would've lower the car a tad bit more in the front. Here's a pic with them dropped as far as they go. Just to give you an idea......
Lower? It already looks like it has about the same ground clearance as my lawn mower and could mow the lawn. SCH-I535