When I got my car it arrived from the other dealer with a bug inside, I think it was a yellow jacket. It flew out when the saleswoman and I went to drive it and fill it with gas. Today when I left work I got in and saw a brown wasp flying out of the defrost vent. Naturally I got out and did a dance and brushed myself off, hate bugs! I opened the sun roof, all the doors and the hatch. I didn't actually see it fly out but I think it went out the sun roof. How are they getting in?! I don't leave my windows cracked and I don't drive around with them down usually but yesterday I did a little. Is it possible for bugs to get in the car using the duct system? iPhone ?
i can't speak for the solar panel, but they can't come in through the vents. they do follow me in every time i open the door though, and they come in the windows whenever they are open.
At least they can't come in through the vents. Maybe they flew in when I got in/out and I didn't notice it. iPhone ?
When I was screening the rear vents (between the inner cabin and the airspace inside the rear bumper cover), there were flimsy little foam rubber flaps over the vents. Rodents can chew or poke their noses through those, but they only flip open 1 way, from air blowing outward. That rear duct system is connected to the cabin. I suppose if the flaps are damaged or simply not fully covering, then flying bugs could eventually make their way into the cabin. Seems unlikely though since the ducting system has a number of twists and turns they'd have to navigate. On our '94 Camry that had been parked on a sunny driveway for months, I did end up cleaning out several nests that appeared to be made by wasps or similar insects. They looked almost like fluffy papier-mache puffs about the size of a golf ball. (Fortunately, they all looked quite old and seemingly long since abandoned.)
Hopefully that part isn't damaged because it's a new car, only had it a month now. My husband and dad think it flew in when I had the door open. After some checking around where I park I found a dirt dauber nest and suspect that's what it was and he probably did fly in when I opened the door.
I'd say there's about a 95% chance that you have an infestation of some sort, given that you've seen two bugs in a month. Likely a hive up under one of the seats, or possibly deep under the dashboard. Sorry, that's not true, but I'm laughing, picturing how my wife would react. In truth, I think you just happened to accidentally trap two separate insects. I wouldn't give it a second thought. SPH-L300 ?
You can physically check the rear ones from inside the cabin by just removing the side floorboard segments and underlying floorboxes. This is mine on the passenger (battery) side from when I was rodent-proofing these ports from the outside. Not sure if the front counterparts in the firewall have similar filter flaps (or if they're just open somehow) that are as easy to check. On the chance those are unobstructed pathways somehow, it couldn't hurt to check around the engine compartment to ensure there're no other nests of any kind.
The first part had me going at first but then I realized the two bugs were different and read the second half of your post and frowned, that's something my husband would say. iPhone ?