I have 1400 miles on my 06 pkg4 and made my frist 430 mile trip. temps from 41 to 55 from ky.to lower mich.I filled the gas tank till it would take no more. avg speed was about 70. both ways i got only 42.9 same trip on my 05 in the summer i got 54 and in the cold part of the winter last yr i got 48.not a happy camper. any ideas?
Guess 1) Tire pressure Next - were there any other variables? Load in the car? Major headwind both ways this time Different tires Lots of little trips while in MI with the car cooling down in between Hit snow? Avg speed 70 MPH because you were doing 95 MPH 70% of the time and stopped getting tickets the other 30? * * Don't do the math I didn't do any calcs
Yeah, tons. I will start with "new driver/new car" syndrome. Then provide some STRONGLY suggested reading: http://priuschat.com/forums/kb.php?mode=article&k=23 Also, browse around Priuschat and you will find hundreds of people with your exact same concerns within in the first few thousand miles of Prius ownership. It's nothing new, it's nothing permanent, and it's completely normal.
"New Driver/New Car" was my first impression, too. But duanerw says that (s)he got much better mileage on the same trip with their '05. This makes me think that "new car" is possible, but it appears that (s)he knows how to drive a Prius. Also, having bought a Prius in October, I'll just say that I'm noticing for the first time that the summer/winter difference is really remarkable. The weather has been comparitively warm here over the last few days (highs in the mid-upper 50s), and our mileage has jumped from the low 40s (we take a lot of short trips) to the low-mid 50s. I knew it would happen, but to see it actually occur is awesome. I know that you (duanerw) say you did the same trip in your '05 in the winter, but might the temperatures been a bit warmer on the previous trip? Also, I'd definately check your tire pressure. OK. Those are all of my thoughts for now.
Your '06 is not broken in yet. Give it 5-10K miles, as my lifetime mpg graph shows clearly: [attachmentid=2542]
Handbrake fully released ? Anyway, warm up the car for 5 minutes, and then measure FE on a 10 mile round-trip on the highway on dry roads at 60 mph on CC. Less than 50 mpg would be something to look into further; 55 mpg is about right.
You are getting great mileage. Most people I know would kill to get that mileage. Consider, when traveling, I don't usually have the ability to get gas from my favorite brand or from a place I know. Winter gas in most urban areas is oxygenated, like E10. That will typicaly really tank your FE real quickly.
What determines this magic breakin point? I would expect breaking in an engine to be a gradual, fairly linear process. Yet your car's graph shows a dramatic change over just a month and at the 12,000 mile point. It's hard to believe that engine breakin could change that suddenly. And depressing to think that I have to wait until 12000 miles to see great mileage. Could this have been a direct change in car config, or temp or driving habits or all the above instead? Whatever you are doing keep it up. It definitely seems to be working.
KTPhil, You wouldn't happen to be an engineer, would you? Husband's a mechanical engineer but in management for the past decade; you should see his retirement spread sheet!
When my 05 was new i got 48 mpg in the winter and 54 in the summer on the same trip.When i traded i had them put my comfortrend tires on and got rid of the orig tires.have about 10,000 miles on my comfortrend.prior to the trip i changed the air in the tires to nitrogen.and use 35 front and 33 rear and will not change preasure as that is what i used in my 05. I have an appointment to have it checked today.I have pkg 4 and the auto loudness on the radio does not work. I had 13,000 plus miles on my05 when i traded in jan 06 and know how to get the most out of my car as i have been on priuschat since early 05.You learn more here than any place you can go.this is a great place to learn
I just came home from my dealer and they found the inclination sensor was out of adjustment and fixed same.12 mile trip home and have been seeing 38 mpg before adjustment was made from same place.this trip home got 54.2 so tell me more about air in tires and car not broken in yet. this is my 2nd prius and i understand how to drive it and the other things that people said in this post.I knew there had to be a problem with the new one as the 05 gave me much better mpg..
Weird. I thought the inclination sensor was to tell the "guess" gauge how much gas you had left. I wonder how it affects fuel economy?
looks like ppl didn't read his first post thoroughly... how does the inclination sensor affect mpg? I can see it affect the fuel gauge, maybe.
Dont know what it does.they may have found something else.last 40 miles getting 51.1.since new same trip,same area got 38. I do like the nitorgen in tires checked tires last night after 1000 miles and still 35 front 33 rear.