I have a 2008 Prius. No past issues. Stored indoors with 88k miles on it. Toyota dealer today told me my serpentine belt is cracked (is this normal?) and my oil is 3/4 full. I have no oil leaking and he mentioned my engine may be burning the oil and there may be a loose piston ring. Is this normal?!? Should I get another opinion?
Just to clarify, how many miles since the oil was last checked? And was it at the full mark then? If for example, it's been 10000 miles, and you're in for an oil change, and when it was last changed it was at the full mark, that is very minor, typical consumption for an engine with some miles. I'd do nothing, just continue to keep an eye on it.
you may need a belt, but get a second opinion and price. ignore the oil for now. look at the level after they change it and look at it before taking it in for the next oil change. oil consumption is fairly common in the engines and not a worry. all the best!
Monitor the oil level. It's better to have the oil level between the low and high marks than overfilled. If you don't believe the belt is cracked, you can ask them to replace the belt but insist they return the old one to you for inspection. SCH-I535
As others have said, it is very likely that the belt is cracked. Changing the belt is very easy so it shouldn't cost you a bunch. As for the oil level, 3/4 full might be where the last person filled it to. This post/thread illustrates why we check our oil regularly in between oil changes (I recommend once a month or 1000 miles until you get to know the actual oil usage for your car). Even if your car was full of oil, and it was at 3/4 full when it came time to do an oil change, that's not a big deal and certainly doesn't mean you have a loose piston ring.
Cracked serpentine belt: Normal Small oil usage: Normal Loose piston: Unlikely. The serpentine belt normally starts to show signs of many small cracks by about that age. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's about to fail, but it's due for scheduled replacement fairly soon (120k miles) anyway. And as usnavstgc said, it's not a very costly job (somewhere about $20 for the part and less than 1 hour to fit). A lot of people notice a small amount of oil consumption at about that age. If you're at 3/4 full (assuming that means 3/4 between the low and high marks on the dipstick), then you've only consumed about 0.4 quarts, which is extremely minor. In any case, you should learn how to check the dipstick and monitor the oil between oil changes to see how much is consumed. Topping off the oil when necessary is very cheap and easy (about $2 of oil and 5 minutes of your time), replacing an engine not so much so. If you don't know how to check the oil yourself then just ask here. Plenty of people would be willing to help you with that. Regarding the "loose piston", I'm guessing that the dealer actually said loose piston rings to explain the oil consumption. This is not a problem that you need to fix at this point. The fix is very expensive and it's basically easier to fit a secondhand engine in most cases. Very unlikely that you need to do anything in this regard unless the problem is like at least 10 times worse than what you stated.
Thanks everyone! After I posted this I did a little digging on this forum and found others have already asked these questions You guys are GREAT! I DID actually go over on my oil change this time by 1K miles. I NEVER do that! There was continuously an hour wait for an oil change so I kept postponing. According to the tech - my oil tank was 3/4 full. I have never in the past checked my oil in my car, but I will now! Am going to actually check tonight and then again at 1K miles and so on. I am not too worried about that at this point due to all of your responses. The serpentine belt replacement as well as my oil change/topped fluids cost $94. I just went with it. So it was like $60 for the belt/labor to install and the whole thing was done in an hour. On a side-note...they also mentioned a bracket is broken and another one is bent on my exhaust under my car. He said it wasn't cost-effective to replace, as the entire lower exhaust would have to be replaced. So I must have run over something?!? Probably during this AWFUL winter we had here in WI. He said it wasn't an issue. Thanks again for your responses. MUCH appreciated!
Ok, I was thinking the oil was only 3/4 the way between the empty and full marks on the stick, but now I see that they probably meant that the sump was only 3/4 filled. This means that you lost about a full quart. Assuming that extra 1k takes you to 6k miles, then that works out to about 5oz of oil every 1000 miles. You'll probably only need about a one pint top off at around 2.5k to 3k miles. This is still not very serious, as long as you don't let it get to low (don't overfill though). Also be aware that oil consumption doesn't always proceed at a totally uniform rate. Sometimes with different driving conditions or if the mechanic uses a different brand of oil (or insert random reason) then the consumption may be higher or lower than expected. So you're doing the right thing to check it regularly.
Hello from SW Wisconsin. I think I need to change my serpentine belt-- glad to hear it should be around $60. Where did you have it done?