I found an interesting article on BITOG that explains the effects on the engine, the various sizes and makeup of particles, and possible strategies. While the area of operation (AO) for the test is in the mid-east, it would have relevance for desert locations here, as well as dusty farm areas and people that drive dirt and gravel roads. It may make some reevaluate extended drain intervals in a dusty AO.
thank you for the info. We live with an active volcano, Kilauea, about 30 miles away spewing VOG (volcanic smog laden with sulfuric acid) and volcanic ash. both wreak havok on paint and engines. i will definitely pay more attention to the oil texture when i check the ICE's oil level. ,,, i wonder if there is a better air filter available that emphasises cleaner intake air rather than just a performance enhancement?
I found an informative air filter test web page. HERE. Interesting reading. The best air filters per that test was the AC-Delco, but when I checked their application charts they don't show filters for the Prius C. The second best filter, WIX, I was able to find on the WIX web site. I believe WIX makes filters for NAPA, and the NAPA filter for the C looks exactly like the WIX filter. I'm due for an air filter soon, so maybe I'll skip the usual Purolator and get a NAPA filter...
Living in Florida near the beach for 3+ years practically ruined an old car of mine. Was new in '99, moved to FL in '00, & by the time we moved away in 2003-2004 the car only lasted a few more years after the move.
AC/Delco filters are quality filters. Buy them at a trustworthy place as they have had troubles with cheap knock-offs in the past.