For you, MS: A bevy of cheer leaders, a throng of thongs. A firing squad of Cheneys. A quiver of Olive Oyls. A swarm of lobbists. A posse of moms. A fagot of homophobes. A congregation of atheists.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: this is the best... hands down... A fagot of homophobes. :lol: a horde of hoes! a class of iconoclasts h34r:
A posse of marcupials A gaggle of geeks A pride of egotists A herd of deaf/mutes A flood of swimmers A swarm of climbers An army of pacifists A gathering of loners An organization of antiestablishmentalists A multitude of individuals A mixture of xenophobes