I use the second setting. The Short setting at highway speed is too close for my comfort (remember that the Prius' PCS will not completely stop the car, but only reduce the impact speed. You'll have to move up to certain Lexus models for full braking). Long is good but it can be a bit too far at times. I use it at lower speeds (40-70km/h) where it will brake more gradually when the car in front slows down than in shorter settings where it will tend to brake harder because of the reduced distance to the vehicle ahead.
There are few things I dislike about Pearl S. One is the radar cruise, which I use all the time in the city to avoid photo radar tickets. Maybe the car is just smarter than I am, because often it will slow down right before an intersection, even though the light is green. Maybe she knows about all the morons on the road? But it's annoying, as I wonder "do you NOT want to get there when it's green?"
drcc is the best thing ever. If you take it for what it is then it's nothing but pure bliss to drive on the highway. If you are the aggressive type that gets bothered by people getting in front of you, then you prob don't really want to use cruise control at all anyways... For me I set it at 2 clicks most of the time. I can get in the middle or right lane, set the cruise to about 5 over the current speed limit, sit back relax and enjoy the ride without ever having to touch the throttle, or cruise stick again. Someone going a little slower than me? Ehh don't worry about it the car will pace. If they are going like 5 under the limit I'll pass otherwise I just chill and enjoy the gas savings.
I think if the car in front of me were to hit a brick wall and stop instantaneously I'd be screwed even if I was twice that distance away...
It not necessarily the cutting in that bugs me, it't how the car brakes heavily then accelerates quickly back to speed when a car cuts in, It happens a lot on my long commute, so I tend not to use the cruise.
Just have the regular cruise, and just for kicks used the resume function the other day, when I'd had to suspend cruise and drop significantly below the target speed. It was a little dismaying: no gentle acceleration, immediately over at the right end of the HSD bar.
Why are people complaining about how quickly it accelerates back up to speed? This is no different from the concept of pulse and gliding, which requires you to accelerate rather briskly up to speed then glide.
It knows about the speed camers Well to be fair, it doesn't have a rear-mounted radar to know whether there's a car behind you that's approaching quickly so it has to always assume the worst. It's a little gentler at lower speeds or if the speed difference is small. The thing I like about DRCC is that if you resume in the city, it won't accelerate hard because it detects the vehicle in front so it will just maintain speed or increase as the car ahead pulls away. It can be useful (but note that it will not detect a car already stopped at a light if you were not locked onto any vehicle ahead). It's great for those of us who work night shifts .