Hard to know what to feel about this guy because I can't quite tell if he is serious or not. :huh: He's a near comic genius if he's acting but if he's not then I'd have to agree that there is something "chilling" about his results. Although, I do have to admit that both my 3-year-old daughter and I were amused by him, albeit for different reasons. :lol: You can see Ken Create at the ifilms.com website here: http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2693318 or at the MSN videos here: http://video.msn.com/v/us/v.htm?g=92a74577...deo_viralvideos under Ken Create. "Ken Create is a true renaissance man. Not content just to perfect one craft and then rest on his laurels, Ken has perfected Mime, Magic, Juggling and Dance with chilling results."