Hi all Im new so forgive if im not doing this right First i want to give a shout out to patrick wong-mtl hihy and the guy who put actuator replacement in pictures up. With out you guys and all the rest i could not have gotten my 2007 back on the road. Thanks
Heres my story Friend picked up new prius sold me his old 2007 a year ago for 3000. Put 100000 miles on it. 52mpg. Amonth ago brakes went out. Took it to stealer they wanted 3200 to fix. Reading others stories here i was able to figure out that only one of the circuits was bad on the actuator. This was how figured that out. When car was off and i step on brake pump would work. When i turn on car pump would not work. I got one on e bay ready to change but i thought why not try something first. I took out the lower motor relay out ran a jumper wire from there(the one with no 12v) to the upper relay (also no power going to it) car has all braking function now for three weeks. All the lights on dash still on but car stos better than before. I have junk yard actuator to install but ill wait till this one craps out. Thank again all SCH-I545 ?