My 06 Prius front doors window sill would creak when I rest my elbow even lightly on it. Does anyone else has the problem and has been able to get rid of the creaking noise?
Don't have a creak, but there's a rattle inside my drivers side front door that has almost pushed me to disassemble the door. I'll probably go over the edge in the next few weeks.
Mine does, too. Being a fairly tall person, the armrest is too short and I tend to rest on the window sill sometimes. But it feels flimsy when I do that.
more so when it's cold less when it's warm outside. I was considering taking it apart and seeing if I could see what was causing the problem and maybe a little silicone grease would take care of it.
Have anyone complained to the dealers and had it fixed so that there is no more creaking? Any do-it-yourself remedy?
Same here, creaking in GA. I think it's my height and weight since it doesn't happen for my wife (shorter and lighter). I am a heavy leaner.