Greetings : I'm completely new here. I bought a 2003 gen II yesterday with 50000km on it. Would ik be a good idea to install an engine block heater ? -to prevent oil consumption from developping -to lower gas consumption Is it possible to use it to pre heat the cabin ? Any experiences ? (I live in Belgium : ~mild sea climate) Regards,
First the bad news, I have never heard that a engine block heater will lower oil consumption or pre-heat the cabin. Good news, it does increase your initial gas mileage in cold weather. I live in a warm climate, so have not used one myself. (highs in the lower 30s, lows in the lower 20s this week, with 95% humidity)
The heater would reduce gasoline consumption but it could increase the use of imported oil for electrical generation, and this is very likely more polluting. Perhaps you can determine if your electricity comes from nuclear sources?
I think it's worth the effort. It will have a huge gasoline saving, decreased engine and traction battery wear, and faster cabin heating (sorry, no preheating). BTW, is there such a thing as 2003 gen II? 50,000 km is ridiculously low, but I would be concerned about traction battery health at 10 years of age.
I buy only green electricity, cöperant in a wind farm and PV on the roof. In Europe the Gen II started in 2003. 50000km's is indeed only 5000km's a year or 100km's a week : old folks driving to the shop and back. woudl that kind of use be bad for the battery ? Does it have an internal thermostat or does it keeps heating while plugged in ? I don't want it to heat the garage more than striktly necessary though.
We have, and VERY regularly use, a block heater on our 3rd gen. On the coast, mild winters, use it year 'round. It gives a modest advantage to your engine, oil consumption, etcetera, since you're reducing the detrimental cold-start effects. Same for cabin heat: with 2 hours use, it'll raise coolant temp through 20-30 degrees centigrade. Once you've driven a bit your cabin heat will kick in, sooner than if the coolant started at ambient temp.
The DEFA brand of engine block heaters have the option of cabin heating. I think mentioned this in his thread before.