My 2010 is still missing/stumbling - does anyone know what the Ohms value should be on the COPs for this vehicle and which wire terminals are used to check the values?
Very unlikely. You would get a code with bad coil. Regular coils should be ~1Ohm on primary and ~10kOhm on secondary. Not sure if that applies to COP, but you can measure all 4 and see if one is different. Did you look at spark plugs? That should be #1 thing if missing. You can also try to see if there are sparks in each plug the old way or using a spark indicator. What have you checked so far?
What have you checked so far? Thanks for your reply - New plugs have been installed (the correct Iridium ones) - This all started with a bad A/F sensor - replaced that and have had this "miss" since. I have not had another CEL or code thrown. I am going to do some more "trouble-shooting" this weekend.
There was an interesting discussion a couple of weeks ago from a guy with a 2010. Missing, bad operation, you name it. Turned out to be a clogged EGR system. I never had a clear idea of what the guy was talking about (no pictures), but it appears that once the valve cover was removed there's this place where the EGR valve goes and a bunch of small channels of some kind all around that spot. It was all filled with a gunky, tar-like substance. Once he got in there and cleaned it all out, his car ran Much Better. There was some commentary that this clean-out wasn't in the list of recommended maintenance items as published by Toyota, and I think at least one more person saw the same problem. Maybe this is happening to you? KBeck
This is clearly a possibility. This is why I mentioned the EGR in the initial thread opened by tv4fish. I'm not sure why he opened this second one instead of continuing with the first one. Maybe he didn't like the advice offered in the first one?
Just for everyone's info. - the miss certainly DID end up being a bad COP (coil). As I mentioned - It never threw a code nor did the CEL come on to indicate what the heck was the problem.
I did use my analog multi-meter and checked resistance on all 4 COPs - No.3 was "out-of-whack". Another clue was the fact that the spark plug for No. 3 appeared to be "less used" than the other 3.
The reason your weak coil did not set a code is that the miss was not frequent or long enough in duration to meet the DTC threshold. I have never had a weak or bad coil on a Toyota, nor do you hear of it often on this site, but they are common on Fords, VW-Audi. I had a number of weak coils on Fords I have owned which is how I knew that was the most likely cause of your problem based on your description of the classic symptoms in your first thread. Congratulations on persisting in getting the problem fixed.
Congratulations on persisting in getting the problem fixed. Thank you --- another thing to mention - if anyone out there is hesitant to replace your spark plugs (OR - if needed - your COPS) yourself , it really isn't that bad to do. Just a bunch of 10mm bolts/nuts to remove and pull off some sheet metal to get at them. The wiper assemblies come off very easy. Heck, I'm an expert at it now !!!!!!!!!!!!!