Variation of the "Old Sparky" thread....I saw a thread elsewhere on choice of a last meal if you were on Death Row. I won't stipulate that - just you know it's going to be your last meal. What would it be? Something you like or a "Bucket List" meal? I'll give my answer later.
I would enjoy the hottest, spiciest foods so that when it's time to execute me, I'll be thankful when it comes.
Spicy boudin, king crab, cinnamon toast crunch, New Way Lunch hotdogs (aka dirt dogs), sliced brisket from Waller County Line BBQ, and my dad's chocolate pie and my moms yellow birthday cake with chocolate frosting.. Not necessarily in that order... or any order for that matter.
An LSD tab, hash brownies, single-barrel Knob Creek, neat, and club-soda, light ice, no fruit. Bob Wilson
What Bob is having, without the LSD and the hash. Maybe some cheese and crackers to go with the bourbon.
When are you due? Because all depends of the season. As for now I would prefer a good, fresh tartar steak supported by frozen shot of (Polish of course) vodka. In winter time the top one is Polish bigos - supported by frozen shot of (Polish of course Bison vodka). But the summer is near and I would recommend the Mediterranean Haloumi grilled cheese on fresh lettuce, with fresh tomatoes, olives and herbs supported by chilled glass of (Greek of course) Ouzo with some fresh water. After that huge glass of Bourbon or 12Y Bushmills single malt and - here we go...
last meal... one stipulation.....I get to cook it a pork shoulder smoked for 12 hours, with some of my freinds with me watching the smoker and drinking all night, Fresh steamed silver queen sweet corn, cole slaw, grandma Utz Potato chips and granny's homemade tater salad. When the shoulder is done. pull th epork by hand and lay it up on a nice sesame seed bun... with homemade BBQ sauce...
Hmmm....... I'm kind of torn. There's this: A nice chicken tikka masala, probably with a naan bread. Proper English comfort food. Or this: A good, spicy ma po tofu. Ideally from Chen Mapo Doufu, the restaurant in Chengdu that invented the dish a couple of hundred years ago. Or possibly, if I wasn't feeling the spice that day, this: I'd probably abandon the low-carb diet for my last meal - I won't be the one carrying the coffin, after all - and have chips with them.
I'll add in some fresh home made icecream with cherry cheesecake for desert... since no one else has mentioned it..
Knowing I'd be dead before the next meal, there's no point wasting it on me. (Although, Bob's answer deserves serious consideration...) I'd order the all-you-can-eat buffet, and invite as many homeless people as I could find.