Note that it can only be reduced to a single beep, not no beeps. Your dealer can set it to one beep for free, it is up to them if they will. I used a ScanGuage II, which I like, but many other ODBII programmers will work. ScanGauge II ODB Scan Tool + Digital Gauges + Trip Computers - PriusChat Shop
I went to my local dealer who absolutely refused, stating that it was against the law to change this in Australia :-( If I could find where to plug it in I would do it myself! 2013 Prius V
You could definitely do it with the MINI VCI for TOYOTA TIS Techstream Diagnostic Cable & Software, although I don't know how much shipping to Australia would cost. The software gives you a plethora of diagnostic information and customization options. However, it also requires a 32-bit windows version, unless you are willing to do some tinkering around with your OS. If you have Win 7 professional or higher (not sure if Win 8 has this option), you can use windows XP mode (virtual machine) free of charge, which is the route I took. You can also check on e-bay for similar products. Bear in mind that this solution, despite being very powerful and versatile, is completely illegitimate (the software is pirated), but it does work well.
The OBDII plug is under the dash, that is where you can plug in your OBD device to reprogram it. (I have no idea about Australian law, I barely cope with US law)
Oh wow, it can not be changed the way that the 2008 prius could be? I was starting to get annoyed by that beeper as well, and was considering shutting it off the way I did on my first Prius. iPad ?
I have a few laptops, at least one of them has Windows 7, and I will try eBay Thanks for the advice, I will let you know how I go Cheers Carol
I took delivery of a 2014 Prius Four on Sunday, June 1. On Monday, June 2, I was at the dealership service department politely demanding the reprogram of the back-up beep from constant beeping to a single beep. Free of charge. They were nice about it and it was done in a few minutes. No hassle. They also allowed me to switch out the new awful, horrible quality standard cargo mat for the well-made, higher quality standard cargo mat out of my 2012 Prius Two.