Is it me or does this upgrade on the board suck? I am having all sorts of trouble with it. Is this is how it is going to be then you have lost a contributor. By the way... A Nissan Norte add on a Toyota board.??? Wise move
It took a little while to get used to it, but I find it quite usable now. What are you having problems with?
You're getting old and don't like change I hate it when they change forums but it takes a little bit of frustration and a few days later you'll have forgotten what the old one was like.
This site is running fine for me since the update. It took me a couple of minutes to get used to the new format. This thread should probably have been posted in the Website Questions forum rather than Prius C forum.
My first try at it, I didn't like the update - but only because I was unfamiliar with it. After a couple times, I see it's now more efficient and a better design. It has all the features of the previous version and more.
**Mod Note**: Moved to Priuschat Website Questions Forum. Please use the correct forum when posting! I personally find it to be MUCH faster!
Those ads are selected by a third party service, and may be personalized depending on your browsing history and 'big data' profile.
I understand member info below avatar will be added soon. It always helps to reply to a post when you know which vehicle and model the poster has along with location. Also, number of post adds "some" credibility.
Does seem to be more ads since the software upgrade. It's still a free forum and I'm thankful for that.
They're just more prominent. They've got to make it pay as a site. We might want to consider clicking the odd one once in a while too perhaps?
The main thing bugging me right now is the ongoing lack of info under users icons. Stuff like vehicle/year, posts, location and so on. Danny's said it's on the to do list. I'd agree the ads are getting pretty intrusive, typically large and embedded in the first posting. Especially obtrusive on a smart phone. Also, the multi-quote can get a little insane on smart phones, making super-long vertical strings, with just a word, or partial word, or single letter, per line.
Ads? What ads? (Oops, maybe I shouldn't spill the beans. But some of us have our computers somewhat locked down, blocking many of those third-party items.) (Maybe it is time to buy something more from the PriusChat Shop.)