OK, according to this chart, flareak is a little chunky, not too bad. I think there is a chance of quick recovery for him
I always remember the saying "keep it so you can't pinch and inch" Today all I can get is about 3/4" so I'm over weight. 5' 10" 183lb. calves 16 1/2" thighs 22" waist 37" bicep 17" forearm 12" Damn this thread has me heading for a diet. Just what I need at 59 years of age. Edit: last time I had KFC was about 1984-5 can't remember for sure. I love cooking and I don't use salt so most people who I invite over ask where's the salt shaker. Most get really upset when I tell them I don't have one. When ever I eat out at someone elses place all I can taste is salt. Some things like bread have to have a bit of salt to keep the yeast working properly. But that's about all I use it for other than de-icing the back steps.
Frank, there aint nothing wrong with you. besides, one thing i found out a long time ago. its not how you are, its what you do. some people will appear heavy simply because that is their body style. but if they are active, they will be fine. exercise is great, a good cardiac workout 4 times a week for at least 30 mins would be awesome. there is this one guy i see at the gym nearly every day im there if i go in the morning. he is at least 70 (probably much older) thin as a rail, has a surgical scar on his chest about 13 inches long, and carries oxygen with him. he will get on the treadmill, set the speed at 2 mph (pretty slow for most people) strap on the O2 and sweats on. have to assume he got the wake up call when he had a heart transplant (just guessing here). but the point is, it aint where you are at or where you been, its where you are going. now if you were 175 lbs 6 months ago, then i would be concerned.
Been about that since about 1981, workout for 8 hours a day fixing things. The day I wore the pedometer I did 13,240 in one day, and that was about a normal day.
I hear swimming is a good exercise.. maybe i should have looked to see where you are located... and.. uh.. well.. nevermind... maybe that's a bad idea. A lot of people i know who consider themselves overweight don't put on swimsuits. I'm guessing that rule kinda applies to everyone. Hmm.. A lot of walking... it's a start... park the prius.. and walk to work.. ok.. maybe not.. but if you do walk make sure you don't stop and it's at least for 20 mins. If you really want to burn off fat go on a work out diet.. use something like Muscle milk when you exercize and so forth. Go to your nearest fitness store. Ask them what things you can take that would help you while you're working out and help you drop the weight. There are a lot of things you can do if you ask the right people. btw.. sex with a fatty? who said that anyways.. i'll go browse again. there are plenty of people who have sex with overweight people... but.. uh.. i see it as more of a casual thing. *shrug*.. join a fetish club
flareak, I also suggest taking a good long insightful look at what, when, where and why you eat (that's what I had to do to stop the madness). I blimped out two years ago when I quit smoking. I just substitued one bad habit (overeating) for another (smoking). Keep your hands occupied with something other than food. Pick up a book and read. It will keep your hands AND mind occupied. Just make sure it's not a cookbook or you'll just start thinking about food again. ... What ever you do, don't get discouraged if the weight doesn't come off as fast as you'ld like. Be patient with yourself and in a few months maybe you can reward yourself with a new outfit (a size or two smaller!) It's a great feeling when that happens. Good luck!
Started back into a running program last month. Am up to a mile, will add on another lap next week. Walk to a total of three miles. Only jog 11.5 minute miles for now, plan to work up my speed later. Used to run 5 ten-minute miles every other day two years ago, then got sick. Gained ten pounds, lost lots of muscle. Plus my diet is rather more caloric after getting married last year. It feels fantastic to be active again! My legs are begining to harden up and I have more energy. Lift some weights every other day too. Wow, I really do have biceps?! There's a local 5K race in ten weeks. I should be able to participate. Hurray! There's life, even after feeling completely out of it. Oh, and I'm 48, turning 49 in two months. So no excuses for you, young 'in!
RUH ROHH!!! the last book i bought was Giada de Laurentiis' Everyday Italian cookbook... but mostly for the pictures of Giada
Husband Dan and I agree that we both have gained weight since getting married. We used to eat full dinners two or three times a week. Usually dinners were a bowl of cereal or a slice of leftover pizza. Now we sit down at a three course meal every night and chat over wine or dessert. Meals have become a time for slowing down and enjoy one another's company. I guess have to increase the number of calories burned to compensate for the increase in intake that our marriage encourages. Dan wonders if we couldn't just have more sex! Hmm. Each dessert equals more time in the sack? Okay, have another slice of peach pie or dish of chocolate pudding.