This is where my wife says never to put trash. Personally, I was only putting "recycling" materials there in our other car.
I was reading my Real Simple magazine over the weekend when I came across this great suggestion/idea for trash containment/storage in a car: Simple Human Bag Capsule $5.99 Problem: Granola bar wrappers and stray napkins tend to stay where they fall in your car. Solution: Keep the Simple Human Bag Capsule handy and make a clean sweep anytime. The refillable four-inch tube contains 32.5 feet of trash bags that you can cut and tie into the size you need.
Park your old american car next to the Prius in the drivway and leav the window down. Then every time you pull up you can roll down the window of the Prius and chuck your junk in the moble waste receptical. When it is full you can sell the thing to the scrap yard.
I don't leave trash in the car either. I cringe and pray when my friends get in with their coffee. I don't eat in the car. One friend has a habit of getting her feet (with shoes on) into strange positions resulting in scuffs. I don't mind the carpet mats getting nasty as those can be cleaned.
OK... that's a pretty slick solution that likely just stores in a cup holder. Cool. Be nice if the replacement tube bags were easy to come by.
According to the website, the capsule will come with 2 plastic tubing rolls, equaling 65 feet of plastic bags. I'll bet once the item is available for purchase (April 5) they will also sell replacement tubing/bags. Pretty good idea, I don't keep trash in my car, but those things might be handy for roadtrips.
Used to be a WA state law, but I read that it was dropped a few years ago. I wonder who pushed that through (and why)? Also wonder how many people got busted for it. Dude 1: Hey, what'ya in for? Dude 2: Ah,er, didn't have a trash bag. :lol: raucous laughter in the cell :lol: Dude 2: and creating a public nuisance Dude 1: Oh, that's cool.
We have one of those black bags with a velcro strap that hangs from the head rest posts of the front passenger seat. It holds the bag behind and below the head rest and is easy to reach from the drivers seat as well as from the back seats (for those messy kids). You can get them in the automotive sections of Walmart and many other department stores.
I just ordered the SimpleHuman trash canister roll for my prius (when it arrives i will be good to go!) This looks like a great product, cannot wait!
I went to my favorite Dollar Store and for a dollar and bought a square bucket. My square bucket measures 4x5x6 and fits in between the console and CD. To secure the bucket you can use some Velcro on the bottom or just open the cup holder to make a snug fit. Simple, inexpensive and not time consuming. Kathleen
I also have one of the Wal*Mart bags w/velcro straps. I have it wrapped around the "legs" of the passenger headrest. So it's easy for the driver to reach (not so great for the passenger), but then I'm usually in it alone! This works very well for me, and it was cheap!
I found a trash container (I think at Wal-Mart) that works great for me. It's solid plastic and has a lip that I hang between the two front cup holders. Check out the photos. It's great because it's out of the way, neat, easy to empty, and doesn't bump your knees while you're in the car. The bottom of the container says "Bell Automotive". Hope this helps!!!!
Well, with the help of cgraham I managed to avoid Walmart and yet have a great solution that matches the car interior. Velcroed it in today and it's working fine. Thanks Charlie!
I’ve bought those cheap, vinyl trash pouches that have Velcro on the back – and then cut them down to size so that they don’t stick out above the door pocket. They are easy to empty and are not intrusive. The only drawback is that they don’t hold much trash – of which I don’t generate much anyway so it works great for me. I have to admit to all my PC friends… I do eat in my car *ducks down to dodge a flying object*. I just can’t see stopping to eat inside a fast food joint… UGH! They are always yucky and have yucky people in there picking their noses. I do have strict guidelines – one of which was added over the weekend: NO ONIONS! I ordered a hot dog and it came with chili and onions. I ate it anyways (yum!) but my poor car smelled like freakin’ onions for a few days. MY BAD!!
I get the feeling that everyone here is : 1. Childless 2. Drill sargeants or 3. Anal retentive LOL Actually, I prefer using a plastic grocery sack, And pitching it when I get where I'm going.
You got it. Us Prii owners are a strange bunch (well, most of us). We're the early-adopters. I for one am choice #4 that you forgot - minor OCD.