I've dreaded the day I would receive the Red Triangle. It occurred upon initial start up this morning.Could this be brake system related as 3 weeks ago I got my front brakepads/ rotors replaced. Since then the front brakes have been grabbing to the point that my wife will ask me about the noise when she's in my car. The hybrid battery indicator is always many blue bars and green with no wild flucuations. I'm getting between 48-51 mpg's. For general maintenance I installed the Optima Yellow top about 4 weeks ago. Oil is full, coolant inverter reservoir is full with tuburlant motion and was replaced under recall 2 years ago. The transaxle fluid was changed 20k miles ago. So back to the brakes. I have the Red Triangle with !, VSC. Is it wishful thinking or could these warnings ever be displayed due to a brake issue? Is the Triangle always associated with hybrid battery failure? Can I still drive it or should it be towed? 2008 Prius 184K Well maintained 85% highway miles
I've been working all week and leaving the car at home. I took it for a 5 min test drive tonight, no issues just the Red Triangle. Front brakes are still grabbing and make for jerky stops. I've schedule an appointment for Friday where they can read the codes and such. Any warnings before I have the Toyota dealer diagnose the issue? I appreciate any insight you can provide or the strategy I can use with the dealer.
You don't need to go to a stealership to find out what the triangle of sorrow is secretly pronouncing. Go to Autozone or Advance Auto if you have either nearby. They can attach their OBDII code scanner and read the code(s) for you - if any are stored - sometimes there are none. Personally, I own a OBDII code scanner and I also have the Torque app for my Android phone that will also read the codes when the dreaded triangle appears on my dash again. Hopefully not for many moons.
If you decide to go to the dealer and they say it is the battery, find out their price and then report back here. Or if you get the code read for free by a parts shop, report back here so we can point you in the right direction. XT1049 ?
My update: First, thank you everyone for your replies I appreciate them. What ive done so far: Disconnected 12 v battery, waited 15 min, upon start up still received Red Triangle and battery icon on the LCD screen. Went for a 10 min drive, all appears normal, battery indicator 5-6 blue bars. Later that day, I started the car and no Red Triangle or any warning indicators at all. Went for another 10 minute drive, battery indicator still 5-6 blue bars, no warnings tripped. What to do, what to do? I'll still keep my appointment so they can pull codes. I didn't think the Red Triangle ever went away on its own?
Pulling the 12v will clear the codes for a short time, but just to be safe I would not take the car on busy/dangerous roads for a while until you are sure that they problem is resolved (I'm doubtful that it is). Here is a little trick I use sometimes to get a code to come back after the 12v has been pulled. Find a safe place to try accelerating quickly and then braking hard afterward. It sounds crazy, but it has worked for me numerous times when trying to get phantom codes to reappear. If and when the codes come back take the car to Autozone and save yourself the hassle of going to the dealership. The red triangle is commonly associated with the HV battery, but can appear for numerous reasons, knowing the codes will definitely help narrow things down. Hope this helps, Jessica
Wow you guys are great thought my thread was dead. This morning upon startup the Triangle appeared again, so I went to my scheduled 1pm appointment. They said it generated a general P0A09-no present codes and that everything was ok. Got back in my car and was relieved to see no Triangle. The ride home everything is fine, averaging 49 mpg's car is running like a champ. I get home and 2 hours later hop in the car to run to the grocery store and upon startup my friend the Triangle is back, Wth. I call the dealer and they schedule me for a 8am appointment on Monday. So, anyone have ideas? Should I take my car to work tomorrow?
Yes, the battery was replaced 4 weeks ago Optima Yellow Top. Just in case I tested the battery using the Prius diagnostic display. Results were 12.6, 12.3 & 14.1. I wish the 12v battery was bad it wouldn't be so concerning. Could it be a short in the blower motor, it's on it's way out and from time to time I have to hit under the glove box to make it work?