Ok, I found one of my sheets on Kill A Watt values from 2012 September 6,2012 Kill A Watt 3.06 KWH VOLTAGE 107.3 WATTAGE AT BEGINNING OF CHARGE 1257 WATTS AMPERAGE 11.76 A EV BEFORE CHARGE .1 MILE EV AFTER CHARGE 11.9 MILES May 29, 2014 Kill A Watt 2.86 KWH VOLTAGE 113.8 WATTAGE AT BEGINNING OF CHARGE 1346 WATTS AMPERAGE 11.80 A EV BEFORE CHARGE at zero, ICE came on when I pulled into charging spot almost made it was at .1 miles 300 feet from charging spot. EV AFTER CHARGE 10.3 MILES
actually I had 2.4 miles left when I was a mile away from home so I took the "Scenic" route home, my calculations was off by about 300 feet
Another factor which has to be taken into account when trying to determine how many kwh one gets in a charge is the state of charge when you start charging. I was playing around getting the charge as low as possible in HV mode (3 bars, I think) before starting charging, and it made something like 200wh difference.
I agree with CharlesH.. also, temperature will make a difference. Cold temps will decrease capacity a bit.
I think temperature makes a much bigger difference than we realize. There is now at least two years of data from the early adopters. But the one piece of data that hasn't been as well collected so far is that of ambient temp and EV range. I think we know observationally that wintery, cold-weather temps are tough on EV range. And other casual observations tell us that very hot conditions are also rough on EV range. But so far, I haven't really seen much data to really be able to say just how much ambient temps affect EV range. My conjecture is that there's a sweet spot of temperature range (and perhaps RH as well), and that outside of that range, the EV range declines. I also suspect that towards the extremes, there is even more of a decline. But so far, we just don't have much data to help with these conjectures.
Problem is that it's rather difficult to have WINTER mornings followed by SPRING midday, with SUMMER sunsets (wink,wink).
Actually @giora pretty much did that in his post here: Actual EV Range and Temp Relations | PriusChat. Unfortunately, temperature range is quite narrow in his climate.