Effective July 15, 2008, PriusChat has a new formal policy regarding forum signatures. Signatures may contain no banner larger than 375 pixels wide and/or 100 pixels tall. Further, no banners may contain flash or other animated images and should be in good taste. Here is an example of the largest possible signature image: You can edit your signature in your profile.
Let me add that in our private discussions we've considered making policy that would restrict content of banners. We'd rather not do so and would prefer the members police themselves on this issue. Danny chose to leave things pretty loose with a "in good taste" statement. I'd like to ask that people voluntarily stick to positive banners. IOW a "pro-Obama or pro-McCain" is fine, but stay away from the "anti-Obama" or "anti-McCain" and certainly things that suggest or state claims that are not substantiated. Claiming Obama is a Muslim or a communist or that McCain is an oil company shill. Again, the formal policy is what Danny posted...but we're watching this situation closely and would like to see the trend toward negative and obnoxious signatures draw itself to an end through voluntary efforts rather than testing our patience and forcing us to make a more restrictive policy that noone will like.
To add to Danny and Evan's posts, we have been receiving some reports from members about others' signatures. Interestingly, the reports were about the content but between us, we were more bothered by the shear size of the signatures. However, we all remembered four years ago before and after the last presidential election when things got a little nasty. So this time around, we would like to keep it clean and try to stay away from the blatant negativity that might be accepted on other forums but not around here. Additionally, to what Evan was talking about, making accusations about an individual aimed to hurt and defame that individual is a blatant act of libel. I've said it before and I think it bares repeating that Priuschat is Danny's little playground that we are all allowed to play in as long as we follow the rules. Since Danny posted the rule above, we will start watching for oversized banners. For now, content is at an individual's discretion.
Seems many regulars have not seen this thread. Can this be sticked at the top of each forum for a while? Maybe this template will help for the pixel-impaired:
Avatar file size has changed since the forum update. Used to be around 32k and now its something like 16k. I tried to update my avatar with wheel skirts and I cant save it as a transparent background PNG file because its too big. The only way I can get is small enough is to make it a 256 or less color GIF. It just does not look right when saved as a GIF.
Hello, I'm brand new to the forum (and to Prius ownership!)... How do you generate those fuelly signatures? TIA!
On your Fuelly vehicle page, scroll down to the "Log Book" section. Under that you see a row of little share icons, click the one on the right that looks like badge. Copy and past the appropriate code into your signature.