Title says it all...any thoughts.... Wish they would have posted some sort of notice, which explained...
During the upgrade, some posts were put in a moderator que as the forum was read only. CyberPrius seem to take that personally.
Yeah, well, it was directed at me, 'cause when I tried to post over the weekend, it said my post would be considered by a moderator, and then allowed on the board, after approval -- or not allowed if disapproved. I guess that was some sort of technical glitch, but the issue to me at that time is that on some occassions, as when I was replacing my battery, a QUICK, answer to a question I have -- while never guaranteed -- is sometimes "somewhat important." To have to wait for all questions to reviewed would slow things quite a bit. Having said that, I do HIGHLY appreciate the board and all the helpful people, and if the owners decided to go to total moderation, or even shutdown, it is certainly their right. Still trying to get used to the new look, but think I will like it, once I settle into it.
Don't fret Sis... it wasn't directed at you if you didn't hear something from a mod... Just saying... from past experience...
We are going through a transition from one body of software to another. Please do not think a technical change means there was a policy change . . . at least for a week or so. Danny and team will take a little while, a couple of weeks, to figure out the new system. Give them some time to figure it out and give them quality feedback. But if it doesn't work, the Internet is huge and seek another place. Personally, I'm OK with what I've seen today. My hair is not on fire and I fully expect to find stuff that could be better. But if you really object, just withhold your 'PriusChat payment.' Bob Wilson
As I said on another post, Danny and the staff have probably been working on this for months, testing in the sandbox. It's been going on a lot longer than two days. Hundreds of things that have to go right or PC is down. Considering everyone other than Danny is doing this absolutely for free and spending lots of hours - great job!
Probably most of us have been driven away from other boards because of incessant trolling and flame wars. I personally like (and appreciate) informed moderators.