Is there a way to temporarily turn off the bluetooth connection to a phone, without deleting the pairing? The sound quality on my BT phone calls in the Prius is terrible, but can suffice for short information phone calls. For longer, personal calls, I'd prefer to break the connection, and speak through a Jabra BT headset. Thanks.
Depends on the phone - in my 3650, I can disable bluetooth entirely, or I can set the Prius as unathorized, at which point you can deny the paring at that time when prompted. Also with the 3650, I discovered the quality improved vastly after updating my firmware to version v4.13. You may also stand to improve somewhat by toying with the BT Voice Quality setting within the service menu. See the archived messages here for more info on getting to that setting.
Also on my t608 you can choose to "transfer sound" to the car, phone, or presumbably, if I had a headset, to the headset. Of course you have to do this via the phone's menu, not the car's control.
Hmmm. On my T616, I see no way to "Transfer Sound." One would think they'd have similar menus. What is your path to find that? Thanks.
That's funny because I have the opposite situation. The Jabra 200 headset does NOT work anywhere as well as the Prius BT.
While in a call (only) and I call up the menu, I have the following choices under the heading "Preferences". This is the only available menu during a call: 1. Speakerphone 2. Mute 3. Phone Info 4. Lock Keypad 5. Turn On Silent 6. Voice Dial 7. Turn off tones 8. Turn on TTY 9. Post Note 0. Bluetooth Phone Status Receive Item Transfer Sound (really quite buried! Luckily you can scroll UP and find it quickly, don't have to scroll down through all those choices)