Calling all Enginer owners!! Enginer Users Summit July 19th, 2014 Madison, WI Buy parts Sell parts Rant in general Discuss alternatives This event is a place for owners of Enginer systems to bring whatever parts you have and sort out your options. If you are finally throwing in the towel, sell your parts to those who are gluttons for punishment and want to buy. This event is being integrated into part of a larger car event Green Drive Reunion 2014 | Facebook GDE Reunion 2014 Reply to this post to let us know you'll be there.
I want give people a chance to make some final decisions about their systems. There are many people sitting on half-working systems. If everyone can come together, it will give some people an opportunity to cut their losses and get out of the game. For others it will be an opportunity to obtain that last piece they have been needing. Plus everyone gets rid of shipping costs as well. The more people who show up, the better it will be for everyone. M470BSA ?
Also, I see lots of posts of users asking for technical help where we cannot help unless we can see and test the system. This will give people a chance to meet for technical discussions and also to build friendships with other users that are close to them. I am only sorry that it is so far away for me. I do have 3 old systems that could be used for spare parts, but there is no way I can transport them that far. Thanks, Dan
I was thinking about working on some sort of consignment for people, but not sure I can figure out how that would work. I'm open to ideas. Gotta get these systems in the hands of people that want/need them.
Is this Enginer event still happening? I have a functional system (bought Dec. 2011) that's worked real well except for a couple bad RFE cells. They pretty much limit my pack to ~1 kwh (of a 4kwh original capacity), though. I already had one cell changed, which didn't really help much. I'm not sure if there is a viable path forward for me that doesn't require a lot of time and money. Other than the battery, everything else is in good condition. Someone could definitely make use of some parts.... I live in Minneapolis and have family in Madison, so a trip out there wouldn't be too difficult for me...
Yeah, the packs are a pain to deal with when they become too unbalanced or damaged. I haven't gotten a whole lot of interest from here or on the Enginer forum. Feel free to call me if you want to get rid of it before this summer.
I would go to the summit, but I'm quite a ways away. I need RFE replacement cells. Does anyone know where we can get replacements?
The packs are a rare thing. Right now the only way the company will let me obtain them is to pre-purchase them, and then they will ship from Asia when they become available. Could be 8 weeks or longer. Still feels veeeerrrry sketchy to me since there is no guaranteed way to get the money back once it is sent to them. Also pricing is hovering above $2,000 for a pack. Is the rest of your system functional?
My system seems to be working well except that cell 16 is dead/dying. Do know where I might be able to obtain a replacement?