Hey guys. When I first got my car I had the Prius Plus springs installed and felt they were too bouncy in the rear for my tastes so I had them removed. I'm itching to try out another conservative drop spring and was wondering if anyone has the NF210 spring? How is the ride quality compared to stock? The DF210 is too low but the NF210 seems just right at 1".
I have them and they're awesome. Tighter than stock, but still incredibly comfortable. Tanabe springs have always been awesome in the ride quality department.
I'm glad you posted this, I'm looking to put on a set of NF210 myself. I had them on my GS430 before I went to coil overs and I loved them. For the Prius, I think they would be perfect. I found a shop online with them inexpensive, $169 shipped - Tanabe NF210 Springs (TNF153) 10-10 Prius « Free Shipping Also, this guy put em on his wife's ride… pics down below. He says originally GF210, but then corrects himself further down the thread. - My Wife's Prius Progress | PriusChat If you get em, take some pics and post em up, seems most people are putting on Plus, H-techs, H&R or DF210. I like the subtleness of the NF210 and the fact you get a more stock feel but with less dive and roll. burstaneurysm - any pics?
Do the NF210's work on 2012 Prius's? (sorry if this is a dumb question) Did you match this upgrade with anything else in the suspension? I'm looking to do my first prius mods (I come from having wranglers) -- and I want it to be a bit more fun to drive...without spending ALL my money
Yep, same springs for 2010-current Prius (not V or C). Only other suspension mod I have is the Rude person's midbrace.
K, because I've been looking at springs, sway bars, chassis and strut braces, and I wasn't sure what goes best bang for buck iPhone ?
Rear sway bar and springs are certainly a good purchase. Someone's selling an ultrabrace here right now. Might be worth looking at.
I think part of my issue is I'm nt sure what does what. I'm used to making jeeps more flexible, so this stuff is foreign haha iPhone ?
thanks burstaneurysm, car looks good. I have had a few moments of spirited driving and I certainly feel the need for some more control. My only concern is a few steep driveways I have to get in and out of and scraping the front end as I already scrape a bit. Overall though, really looking forward to increased control.
Im thinking about getting all the Tanabe bars they make for the Prius, I just lowered the prius last night and waiting on my wheels next week then once the wheels are on ill get it to the alignment shop to make sure all is well. Question is....if i start getting the bars after the alignment and get them put on does that affect the alignment that i would have just gotten? In other words would it need alignment again?
You should wait at least 1,000 miles to ensure that the springs have settled before getting an alignment. The rear sway bar shouldn't have any impact, and quite honestly, the rear torsion bar setup in the back doesn't really change all that much to begin with. At least there aren't any real adjustments to be made.