I can get great cruise numbers and usually good stop numbers (and if I don't, I at least understand the flaws in the calculation and can work out in my head the energy recovered by multiplying battery voltage by regen current by the time it took to slow to a stop, so I know that I maximized my recovery even though the score is low).. I really don't understand how the numbers are calculated for start-ups though.. There are times when I've accelerated hard and I'm in the red power zone most of the time, and when I let up the pedal, I get 4 bars and and 80+/100 score, and then there are times, when I've tried to stay in the Eco zone and I've only gotten 1 or 2 bars.. The only time I find I can get 90+ start scores are if I'm not in traffic, not in any rush and I can really gradually accelerate using battery only or very little gas engine, but the acceleration is also crawlingly, frustratingly slow, especially at low gas engine input levels, where it seems that you're burning gas, but the car is simply not accelerating, but I can at least understand why this gets the high scores; what I can't reconcile and reproduce consistently are those cases where I accelerate quickly, in the power zone, and still get a 4-bar score, because this would IMO, be the best case for driving the car: get up to speed quickly in traffic, not exhausting the battery so you have it available for cruise, but getting this seems to be luck of the draw; I have a scangauge showing me actual battery SoC, RPMs, current and temperatures, but I can't see any correlation of readings to when I get a high acceleration/good score and the crappy score I get when I try to reproduce what I did to get the good score the last time..