well looked at a 2012 v (wagon) trim iii on wednesday. dealer was at 18990. I asked whats your out the door price. 23,000. Wth..... so many dealer add-ons... I told him 20K cash.... so he went to his manager cam back at 22, I said no. then manager cam over came down to 21. I got up and left. they had like 14oo in state inspections, 570 freight, 400 recondition. The car was a local car(car fax serviced 1 mile away every 3ooo miles. ) which means no freight, and with a car that was "over maintained" I can't imagine the dealer had to do much reconditioning, Car had sat on the lot for 2 months. I said..."what better way to start a holiday weekend, make a sale, get a stagnant car off the lot." He asked for my cell number, and I gave it. but it was a 90 minute drive, and 8 bucks in tolls. I told him I won't be coming back... not if they were going to mark up a car nearly 3k before taxes in dealer bullsnot.. So today I drove 60 miles to look at a another wagon. 2012 40K trim level v 20,900. Private sail. no wiggle room since its what they owe on the car... Pearl white, Beautiful. Perfect.. I walked. Going to look at a Cmax tomorrow... but I'm not under the gun as much as I thought. Found out the the wife is heading back to colombia on business next sunday. so I'll hold on to the rental car until next weekend, and then I have three weeks to find a deal until she returns. I had a Black 1994 Impala SS. loved it and detailed it religiously when I lived in florida. love Bugs suck... and chips in black paint are ugly as the wax gets into the edges... but when a black car is cleaned up right. looks smokin' hot... I really hope to only be out of pocket 20K one think i noticed about the wagon vs the hatch... when the seats are folded down on the wagon, it doen't look as "finished" as the hatch... We have been nearly 5-6 years with out any car payments. and even at 0% I'm not interested in climbing back on the horse. bad enough I'm paying for my daughters teeth... Plus the wife is a consultant, and while she always seems to have money coming in, its not a guaranteed paycheck...
I think you'll be impressed with the C-Max. The first hybrid I ever drove was a 2013 C-Max I had while my F150 was in the shop for a month. It was significantly quieter, better riding, and more powerful than my Prius. I averaged around 36-37 MPG during the month of December that I had it. I chose the Prius over the Max because they've been around forever and are known to be dead reliable, as well as the fuel economy difference. But the C-Max is a much better driving car.
Tom, all the reviews have said almost verbatim what you said. I need to take a tape measure to the cargo area. I have some pretty specific needs. after nine tanks in the prius, knowing that on a couple of them I was in the 500 mile club in the high 48's and getting better going back in mileage isnn't high on my list... knowing that if i went with a v I'd be doing that... but the ford takes even a bigger hit..
I agree with this. The C-Max won't get as good of gas mileage as the Prius since it's heavier & has more power. But the C-Max can really accelerate when you need the power. And cruising so many miles in EV mode is a much more enjoyable driving experience. Ford has also smoothed out the transitions from ICE to EV much better than Toyota. The Prius ICE really shudders when turning off, especially when it's cold so it doesn't turn off until after you stop. The Ford hybrid system is perfectly smooth.
The C-Max shouldn't be any worse than the Prius V. Check out FordCMaxHybridForum.com. You'll find lots of great information there along with some users who see 60+ MPG out of their C-Maxes.
hyb, which is whyI'm considering the ford... there are some 2013 SE...not the sel that will be in my 20K range
drove a c-max... the cargo space does fit my needs... I would not want to be a passenger in the rear. awful seats.... it is peppy.. no way to tell easily when you go from ev to ice.. which is what I like about the prius, the guage. tells you.. but then again maybe the guages could be configured differently. and after severl thousand miles my foot has gotten used to the prius pedal modulation.. the steering wheel felt like i was holding onto a pencil, very skinny... but not a bad ride...
Interesting notes. It certainly would be a different feel compared to the Prius. Are you looking at new C-Maxes? Ford has some good deals for Memorial Day. I'm in the process of helping a friend buy a Fusion (gas, not hybrid ) and Ford has $3000 cash back right now on the gas Fusion. One of the dash screens is called "Empower". This screen shows a threshold box for you to see what power level will cause the ICE to turn on when you're in EV mode and what power level will allow the ICE to turn off when it is running. The "Engage" screen shows one bar for ICE kW & one for EV kW to allow you to see how the motors are interacting. If you get a C-Max with MyFord Touch you also get a power flow screen like the Prius has which shows how the ICE, generator motor & traction motor are interacting. There's a FFH Forum member who is also in Northern VA and he might be able to help get you get a good deal. He & his wife both have Fusion Energis. His username is jeff_h.
I am curious how much mileage gains have been made by hypermiler modders on the C-Max. Wonder how it compares to the Prius in terms of being a modding platform overall..
looked at 2013 se for mid 18........ yeah i saw a new 2014 for high 19's plus tax, tag, freight, and all the other BS.... but I really want to keep out of pocket down to 20K if i was going to exceed 20K I would have bought the 2012 v trim 5... But maybe in a week or two, they might be willing to budge on the price. being they are still making payments on it hard to say... the cargo area of the C-max and regular prius are more "finished" than the prius v... which is what is kind of disappointing about the v.. another 20-30 bucks in materials and it would look much more finished similar to the regular prius... prius v 2014 Autocarinterior.com c-max http://www.thisweekinmotors.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/2013-Ford-C-MAX-cargo.jpg regular prius http://www.cars.com/crp/vp/images/12toyota_prius/cargo.jpg I see that gap becoming a "catch-all" and the other "odd" thing in the c-max is the compartments in the floor of the rear passenger seats.. Neat, but not really usefull... don't get me wrong, interesting use of other wise dead space... http://motoringrumpus.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/2013-ford-c-max-rear-floor-storage.jpg My wife is recently self employed consultant so not enough time being on her own to show a relevant income history. and my income covers the mortgage. so 6 months ago getting a loan with very low interest would have been a cinch... Now, not so much... Id sooner cash in a couple ounces of gold to keep off the payment train...
accel....its just a wide angle lens... I've seen a couple and its legit... but for me, its the gap between the seats and the just seemingly lack of "finish". Just a bit more care to make it finished would have gone along way to dotting the "i" and crossing the "t" not a deal breaker by any means, but it would be an annoyance...
Hybridbear. I see you over on the cmax forum...Nice to see that that c-max has same type of folks trying to mod and get the most out of the c-max....still not sure about the "gas pods" could you pass along my email to jeff, no point in me joining another forum... mjs82 at georgetown.edu
If you want to post your email, I'd put it as mjs 82 /at/ george town . edu or something along those lines. That way programs won't be able to pick it up on a general regular expression search and add your email to a junk/spam list for Viagra. I'm a software engineer so I do have some credibility.
I passed your e-mail along to Jeff. I also agree with DrPepperholik that I wouldn't post my e-mail. You may want to edit your post and delete it. I removed it from the quote so that it wouldn't be in there.
maybe I need Viagra... the bots will get your address one way or another.... Man I hate dealing with dealers... I looked at a new 2014 prius 2 with nav. price listed on cars.com is 19863 the ad made no mention of rebates being included in the price. so when I ask for the out the door price on a cash sale... I get 21,900. when i ask about the $2K toyota rebates I get "It's already included in the advertised price" I say..."show me in the ad" they can't 2014 Toyota Prius Two, $19,863 - Cars.com now on their website states the internet price New Car Special Internet Pricing includes all cash rebates and incentives provided by Toyota except College Grad and Military Rebate (which may further reduce the price for those who qualify) but excludes Taxes, Tags, $499 Processing Fee and Toyota's Freight/Destination charge ($810 for cars, $860 for Tacomas, Vans and SUVs and $995 for Tundras and Sequoias.) Special Internet Prices are only applicable to the specific vehicle as identified by a stock number and VIN. No substitutions. I hate dealers....
To each their own. Well, putting it out there makes it a lot easier for them to get it. And actually I have a couple of email accounts that I get no junk/spam mail in, so that works. I have one that I give out to stores that want my email address for coupons etc. so I'll give that one out a lot. This happened to me. I also got the whole "If you want the special financing then you can't get the rebate and the price includes the rebate so you'll have to add back $1,200 and nobody really does that." crap. But I did get a 2014 Three with sun roof for $24,500 or so out the door.
20,900 for a 2012 v(wagon) trim 5 with 29K on the clock isn't a bad price (private party) so no dealer markup BS still have to pay tax though also looking at a 2012 v(wagon) trim 5 with 50K on the clock for $20K so so the question on those two is do I miles and dark grey or lower miles and blizzard white... Also looking at used 2013 c-max hybird
saw this.... New 2013 Ford C-Max Hybrid For Sale | Yeah I'd lean towards the lower milage Blizzard white as well over the dark grey. Pearl white looks great... if I could get it for 18-19K but a brand new c-max for the same price would be hard to pass up...